BNIB Large Regular

I have to chime in here, Yes it is without a doubt a beautiful example of a Late Large Sebenza "Regular" and my favorite variety, the plain sand blasted finish. And to the unknowing eye the knife appears to be BNIB. But thanks to Cowboy1659's exceptional picture quality it is obvious that the Thumb Lug on this knife has been replaced. I noticed it for the first time this morning when he sent me a PM that he had posted some pictures of the knife!! I even replied to the PM great pictures!! And then I like MostMenAreRuthless (you really need to shorten that handel) spotted the dreaded dimple.. I took a second look at the picture's and yes there it was as plain as the as the nose on your face!! Does it take away from the beauty of what our friend Nyefmaker describes as "the finest folder ever made." No.. but did Cowboy receive what he was promised a BNIB Large "Regular" Sebenza? No he did not!! Do I think that the seller purposely misrepresented the knife.. No he did not. For I was the seller.. And I must admit here in front of everyone that I myself honestly believed the knife to be as described BNIB until I looked at the pictures!! I had this knife in my collection for two months and never even noticed the thumb lug until today. I guess this should be a lesson to those of us who love this thing of ours. First and foremost if you are going to collect CRK (and I encourage everyone to do so) educate yourself I have, as I said earlier after taking a second look at Steve's great pictures I spotted the Thumb Lug.. as did our friend MMAR. So,(yea I know another long boring conversation by mikepapa1..) but in this case I think it is necessary to first and foremost apologize to my good friend Steve (Cowboy) for any embarrassment I may have caused him and to the other members here on the forum. Those of you who have come to know me will of course believe me and understand. Those of you who do not know me may doubt me and think that I was trying to take advantage of someone who is relatively new to CRK. But I hope those will be few and far between..
Sincerely, Dave
P.S. Not that I need to but I will tell you that I encouraged Steve to post pictures of the knife.. and that I looked forward to responding to his thread..
P.P.S. After arriving home from work today I actually compared my other late Regular to Steve's pictures.. and discovered that I have another knife (A Large Classic) that I purchased from the same seller that has had the Thumb Lug replaced :(
Here are some comparison pictures:

And the pictures I took for Steve before he purchased the knife..

LonnyRS--Masterserg hit the nail on the head. The dimple on the back of the thumb lug wasn't introduced until later in the 21's. The knife looks beautiful and the spa treatment doesn't take away from the beauty or value, it just means that it is not a "virgin."
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I personally prefer the dimple. A fantastic like new knife. Wish I owned it. It's obvious to me that there wasn't any bad faith involved here.
You know Top.. I think your right! I kind of like the dimple as well.. but from a purest point of view it is not "Original" to the knife. Is it an improvement on the original design? I think so. Is it more pleasing to the eye? I have to agree it looks better than the original.

I personally prefer the dimple. A fantastic like new knife. Wish I owned it.
Congrats on the find. I don;t know where you guys find these but I need to find one. Someone, me find a regular! ;p
Well thanks for busting my bubble guys. :sorrow: l guess this is part of learning. I don't feel that Dave misrepresented the sale, he is more upset about it than I am. Sure, I was hoping I had a true safe queen here that I could just pull out of the safe on special occasions and drool over but instead it looks like I have a new knife for my EDC now.

It is still a beautiful knife but just like MMAR said it's not a "virgin".

Thanks for all the comments guys!

And thanks to Dave for explaining the whole story in both emails to me and his posting on here. There are no hard feelings between us.
Sure, I was hoping I had a true safe queen here

I think you absolutely do. Nothing wrong with a little freshening up at the spa. A couple of my uber grails, including the Gary House mosaic I posted some pics of the other day and this one below spent some time in Idaho where I had the pocket clip removed, back scale reblasted, lanyard pin installed, etc. Looking at this pic, I wouldn't mind the dimple at all! I think it would look great!


The lanyard pin in the pic above should not have the dimple either, in fact ... this knife should not even have a lanyard pin :)

I'd be upset if I were Dave and it was sold to me with no disclosure, now finding myself in an embarrassing situation, but that's a different story. It's a sneaky detail to catch .... I knew the fact very well but didn't even come close to looking at it ... credit to MMAR.

Here's a suggestion if you want to restore the period correct look. Send it in, have double lugs installed. Keep the CRK paperwork. It won't be expensive, it will look even better and probably increase its value.
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Thanks guys. And thanks for the suggestion Top, hadn't thought about that. Dave's treating me right on the deal and we are already working out something else, he is a top notch guy!

I'm with you Officer's Match, I sure learned what to look for as far as thumb studs. :eek:

BTW: That's a sharp looking knife Top, I really like the blade!
Once again, this thread and the comraderie within it, are another testament as to why I love CRK--not just their knives, but also the type of stand-up crowd they attract.