Boker Infinity

Apr 9, 2000
Hi my name is Adam I am a first timer for this cool site and would like to say hows it goin to any body who reads this, any way my question is :
im thinking about buying the Boker Infinity, but have heard mixed feed back. i know that the ceramic blade is really sharp and holds its edge alot longer then a typical steel blade; but iv also heard that they're very britle and chip or get damaged very easily. Is there any one who happens to already own one of these knives, or any of Bokers ceramic blades and has any thing to say about them? any feed back would be greatly appreciated thanks, Adam.
I handled an Infinity at a local pawn shop. Handles were nice and comfortable. What kept me from buying it was the complete lack of money I am almost always faced with. The ceramic blade was sharp, but I'm not sure how long it would hold the edge. It certainly looks very different from steel (the edge was like... weird

-chang the asian janitorial apparatus

[This message has been edited by Comrade Chang (edited 04-11-2000).]
I owned an Infinity for two weeks before returning it. The blade was way sexy, but the handle felt cheap. There wasn't any play, but if you forced back the open blad it felt as if the handle would split open. Very plasticky. Also, the liner lock felt very weak, nowhere near a Benchmade Stryker, for example. I was also too concerned about the blade's fragility. The blade was really sexy, it got quite a bit of attention. Not too sharp, but I couldn't get it too dull (I honestly didn't use it too much since I was returning it).

"Figures don't lie, but liars go figure."
problem is that it does go dull after a while, and then you either have to pay money and send it to the factory to get it sharpened, or you have to spend a long long time on a dimond sharpener. I have only heard that you can sharpen ceramic that way, I have never tried it. And the blade may chip if you are not carful.
I have used ceramic kitchen knives and while they hold an edge a long time they are not any sharper. I would be leary of them in a folding utility knife.

Roger Blake
Originally posted by sharp15:
Is there any one who happens to own one of Bokers ceramic blades and has any thing to say about them? any feed back would be greatly appreciated thanks, Adam. [/B]
reply: i have used the boker ceramics knives such as the Boker GAMMA and the Delta..and they are what i would call the perfect pocket knives. I have just purchased the Boker Infinity and so far it seams as a pretty good knife to me...try it..i don't think you would be disappointed


or you have to spend a long long time on a dimond sharpener.

While ceramic knife blades are hard, they are soft compared to diamond. I have sharpened ceramics before on DMT hones, unless you are changing the factory bevels it is not a long process (a few minutes).
