Boker Jim Burke Thorn Pocket Knife Titanium Folder

Jan 14, 2011
This was definitely an impulse buy, just saw it right now and purchased it. It sure looks sweet. All Ti frame-lock, bead blasted and cpm-154 blade. Short blade, but will suffice.

From Germany, that was the clincher. Will post pics when received in a few days.

pic from Boker site:

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  • A cool little ti frame-lock folder. Simple, no frills designed knife. Nice flowing lines.
  • Came hair shaving sharp.
  • Good thick blade, but it's not a Boker Albatros by any stretch of the imagination.
  • Smooth blade deployment that can be done with one hand via nail nick, near blade spine. Interesting that it had two washers on each side: ones touching the ti scales were brass colored and the ones touching the blade were very thin white colored nylon.
  • Sticky frame-lock, but nothing some sharpie won't fix- I hope. Designed with no notch for easier thumb access to frame-lock for lock disengagement. I'm right handed and it's easier to use my left hand to unlock the frame-lock.
  • Solid lock-up.
  • Deep carry pocket clip; tip down.
  • Came a tad bit oily around the pivot, oil kept getting on to the lock-bar contact point.
  • Fits hand well, very ergonomic, all edges smoothed out- handle shape reminds me of the Boker Anso 67, albeit a tad smaller and with less heft.
  • Although not easily visible from the outside, it also has one of the cleanest looking frame-lock cut-outs I've seen, no tooling marks. Kudos, for that attention to detail.
  • Would have liked to have thicker ti scales and thus more contoured. This would have also allowed the screw heads to be recessed.
  • Also, a flipper would have been killer on this design.

All in all, good job, Boker.
ooh nice!! I may have to get one, but I will wait a bit to hear comments from other owners. Definitely a cool office knife candidate - and great pics, the size comparisons are really helpful thanks!
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Seems like a nice little folder. Are you able to open it one-handedly or is it a two hand opener?
Can be opened one-handed easily, it's the closing part that's a bit hard with the same hand- righty over here.

Also has a very good detent.
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Handled one recently. Liner almost travelled all the way and at least for me impossible to close one handed. There is no cutout to access the lockbar for closing.:thumbdn:
Update...fairly broken in now, lock-up at 40%...lock disengagement is smooth and can be done with one hand; same hand for blade deployment. Being right-handed, I use the right side of my thumb nail to depress and release the lock-bar, so the usual cutout to access lock-bar is unnecessary. The lack of which I initially preferred aesthetically; now functionally as well.

Feels very good in the hand, liking the pebble-like form factor. Finish on ti has also held up well for a few weeks worth of edc. However, still wish that screw heads were recessed- which would mean thicker ti scales. Also, on more than one occasion, found the clip turned to the side a bit when taken out of my cargo pant's pocket.

Good compliment to a crk umnumzaan...

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