Bonecutter, HI warranty and "advertising" pictures

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There is no bonecutter on HI, though?

Due to the nature of how the kamis make certain blades, the website really can't keep up with all the new/special/experimentation blades that show up. The best way to get a full catalog is to read through all the stickies and check out the deals of the day. In over a decade of coming here, I still find something new and exciting on a monthly basis that the kamis are cranking out:D
Nice catalogue!

Bonecutters in various size... I'd love to get a 12"
Bonecutters in various size... I'd love to get a 12"

You could ask for one, and they might make it for you. But keep in mind that the Bonecutter is designed primarily as a heavy chopper, and a khukuri with a 12" overall length (which means at most an 8" long blade) isn't likely to be very good for heavy chopping.

If you just like the looks of it, well, it can't hurt to send Yangdu an email and see what she thinks.
You could ask for one, and they might make it for you. But keep in mind that the Bonecutter is designed primarily as a heavy chopper, and a khukuri with a 12" overall length (which means at most an 8" long blade) isn't likely to be very good for heavy chopping.

If you just like the looks of it, well, it can't hurt to send Yangdu an email and see what she thinks.

Good point. Thank you for the advice.
warranty or not, I have been able to cut bone with a mirror finish ( the cut was polished smooth, no nicks or tears, just a razor like cut) with my 21 inch sirupati by bura-- so thats really to protect themselves, but thats not to say if you know how to use the knife you cant cut things normally not cut.

the bone cut was a cow skull, was split down the thickest part of bone, on the mid ridge between eye and central join.
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Gehazi!Where the heck have you been son? I give up hope of ever seeing another one of your post.
the bone cut was a cow skull, was split down the center, on the mid ridge.

It looks like God made the cow skull easy to split.
was off the crevasse and on the bump, was not in the thin part when I cut the skull,, plus was a cow not a bull skull , could have been old weathered bone is why it was so easy, the blow carried the blade off center of the strike and glanced down, from the one swing it cut entirely through the thick part of the skull and opened the brain case , I still have the skull , i carved trees into it . To be clear, it was not a cut in the join , but the ridge mid way between the left orbit and the center join. and it did not shatter the skull , it gave me two perfectly smooth pieces, that I can join together and make the skull complete.
lol I have been working , winter is my work time , and its been especially cold, huzzah.
4 pages of speculation on the NAME of the thing, but not one mention of the actual history? lol


basically, once upon a time, we had a dozen "GK Bonecutters". a butchers knife. it could chop light bone easily. it's not meant to dismember dinosaurs, or cows, or ...

they certainly can chop *small* bones. there's no such thing as "cuts all"...

"redwood cutter one swipe". no.

wanna cut a chicken in half? one chop? no problem. rabbit? should be no problem.

deer legs? moose legs? don't think about it. that's just dumb.

it's a great knife. personally, i'm in love with it...

some have noted in this thread it's "full-tang"; that is by my request. there are other considerations. i asked for Sgt. Khadka, imho the master of masters, to make them, and he (and/or assistants did). i was amazed beyond expectations. it's a difficult design. it cannot be made imho as easily as a CGRS or CAK. the wide, strong, thin edge bevel, the overall shape, and grace.

it's very special. i am always reverent when i handle mine.

the 16 inch chops like a 18-19 inch blade. the 18 inch is like a beast that exceeds any concept of chopping.

just don't abuse them. seriously. there are certain tasks, imho, that are abuse. don't do those.
just don't abuse them. seriously. there are certain tasks, imho, that are abuse. don't do those.

Even me who started the topic understand this. The whole thread is not about the Bonecutter itself, but about a picture associating an object with something it is not meant to do.

What I learned since is that most of the nice folks browsing this forum know a whole lot beyond average on the matter. The point I failed to make but still stand behind is that the Internet is full of much less knowledgeable people who are going to do stupid things based on this picture.

Thinking of it now, there is few things I didn't consider back in the heat of the argument.
-The picture exposure is next to none.
-There is very few Bonecutters out there and it is not about to change as we all know.
-The rare ones in circulation are in the hands of connoisseurs.

So the combined chances that a normal guy is getting a Bonecutter, who saw the picture and is going to try stupid things based on it are next to none.

Most people never heard of Kukris, so if one of them leave the pack and start to shop for one. The first choice wouldn't be a Bonecutter anyway. He-She is going to buy a mainstream product.

The whole 8 pages was fun but are revolving around a moot point.

Karda - Since I'm the OP, can I ask you to close this thread now?
Personally I think the thread is maintaining civility and the original intent was lost about 5 pages ago and turned into a good bonecutter discussion.

No matter to me, just tossing my feeble thoughts onto the pile. You did kind of get piled on at first, I'll grant you that,maybe deservedly, maybe not. That was yesterday, we can't get it back so whatever you decide to do, consider my dress blown up around my neck.
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