Boots that go well with knives?

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Feb 3, 2001
Another thread about neck-carrying suggested this question: what are the best type and/or brand of boots in which to carry a regular sized boot knife? As a collector, my favorite knives are all boot knives, but I don't own a pair of boots! Anyone out there who is knowledgeable about this?

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
Tony Llama Pythons
The only way to go

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Ebbtide:
Tony Llama Pythons
The only way to go

Tony Llama Rattlesnake seems more appropriate.
Personally, I kind of like the Dan Post Lizard that I'm wearing today.


Let no one ever from henceforth say one word in any way countenancing war. It is dangerous even to speak of how here and there the individual may gain some hardship of soul by it. For war is hell, and those who institute it are criminals. Siegfried Loraine Sassoon
In days of yore (whenever 'yore' was) men wore high boots with their pants tucked in, and it was handy to stuff various things in there like knives, booze (hence the term 'bootlegger'), guns, etc. Most people don't wear their pants tucked into boots these days which makes carrying stuff in them kind of awkward, not to mention, uncomfortable. Sorels, or similar felt-lned rubber bottom boots with nylon canvas tops in the north country are the only exception I can think of.
Justin Ropers is the only way to go, the upper height is perfect for keeping things from riding to far down your leg. Also Levi baggy and loose jeans are awesome for hiding.
Love my Redwings. Eek! Forget to read the body. Didn't know knives were involved
. Still good boots though.


[This message has been edited by JAS10 (edited 02-26-2001).]
I'm wearing a pair of almost-knee-high, steel toed, UK Underground black leather boots (outside my jeans) that would do the trick.

Jason aka medusaoblongata
"To give is a need, to receive is mercy." - Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Ah, oh, I see...

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by sniperboy:
Boot knives are not practical at all but it aint about practicallity as much as image training



If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
Those boots look way to complicated for me...
Call me old school, but I like to slip 'em on my foot and pull

Many moons ago, back in the days of bellbottoms, I used to carry an AG Russle Sting in my boot. Until it fell out while running down the subway stairs @ rush hour

Gotta love NY, hardly raised an eyebrow...
Corcoran Jump Boots

Boot knives should be thought of as back-up knives/weapons...except if you blouse your pants into them. Trying to draw a boot knife from under a pants leg would take too long, and you'd probably end up getting kicked in the face while you're bent over.
Ebbtide.. deveptive aint it.. yes boto knives asre not practical at all unless you got a slit on the side of your pants - and still beding over woudl compromise you.

and to FURTHER promte my point about it's all in the LOOK.. this boot has a zipper on the side that you use to slip the boot on and off you dont have to worry about the laces ofr buckles at all.. I woudl be 50 by the time I did these if I had to do it the old mom and pop way

[FAKE01].[the mirror site](
If you play with love you will be heartbroken; if you play with knives you will [bleed]
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by sniperboy:
Boot knives are not practical at all but it aint about practicallity as much as image training



what brand is this boot.
have to get me a pair.

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