Bottle opener

The Metro is fantastic. My wife has one, and it's a really good bottle opener that even takes a decent edge!
if you're only after opening bottles....

you don't need a "bottle opener" or a "bottle opener fashioned knife/tool."

use *anything* in your surroundings. be resourceful. you can use a fork/spoon handle, lighter, tabletop, pen.... pretty much anything that can act as a lever and apply pressure. you're just lifting a bottle cap.

that said, i use the spine of my knife to lift bottlecaps. works great, and you don't need to carry around an extra gadget.
I use a Gerber Artifact that I keep attached to my keychain. It's not exactly the best multitool, since those flathead prybar teeth don't really do much, but it's nice in a pinch. Used to carry around a Vic Spartan, but it was a little hefty in the pocket and I wanted something for the keychain. Was looking towards a Camco keychain tool, but decided to wait on it. Real shame what happened to Camillus...
if you're only after opening bottles....

you don't need a "bottle opener" or a "bottle opener fashioned knife/tool."

use *anything* in your surroundings. be resourceful. you can use a fork/spoon handle, lighter, tabletop, pen.... pretty much anything that can act as a lever and apply pressure. you're just lifting a bottle cap.

that said, i use the spine of my knife to lift bottlecaps. works great, and you don't need to carry around an extra gadget.
Normaly I would use a table top, but I don't want to damage anything. As for the others, none of those are ever immediately accessible. I carry a lighter, but it's a Zippo, and I'm not sure that would work like a bic.
Somewhere in the Chris Reeve section of the forum there is a photo of a Sebenza used to open a bottle .Yes it works !! No gadgets needed.
Here's exactly what your lookin' for, a Mantis M-3 Church Key:

Somewhere in the Chris Reeve section of the forum there is a photo of a Sebenza used to open a bottle .Yes it works !! No gadgets needed.

A Sebenza is on my long....long list of knives to get, but right now it's out of the question.
Victorinox Rambler has what you want and it fits on a key chain quite nicely.

This type is quite widespread in Europe (where we are all alcoholics):


This one does cans too:


they are usually aluminum.
Please do not make the mistake of choosing that POS Mantis over a Buck.

I gotta say, I never used the Mantis, I just saw it once somewhere and thought it was cool lookin', not that you should buy somethin' based on looks alone.
I actually think that I'm going to get the one Monsterdog posted. Only costs about 7 bucks with shipping, and is perfect for what I need, not have a knife is alright since I already carry a vic classic, swiss card, shallot and blur. Small, and goes on a key chain. Thanks for everyone's help!