Bram Stoker's Dracula and Khukuris.

Kailash Blades

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Nov 21, 2015
We were recently sent these photos by a customer who is a fan of the classic Bram Stoker novel, Dracula.


Did you know that Dracula was killed by a khukuri and not a wooden stake? In Bram Stoker's original novel he had his throat cut by a kukri and was stabbed through the heart with a bowie. Descriptions of the blade itself are vague in the book but with the time period involved it may well have been a blade like this mutiny. It's design dates from the late 1850s, with the book being set in the early 1890s (published in 1897).


Then again a lot changed between the indian mutiny and the turn of the 20th century. Blades started getting peened tangs and military offerings for the most part got a bit shorter and broader much like our MK1. Then again who's to say that the hero John Harker has the most up to date of blades- he could have a khukuri that's much earlier.


Do we have any Dracula fans here? Or any historical khukuri fanatics?
If not the mutiny then what khukuri would be the likely contender?
If we could narrow down some specifics would you be open to us offering it as a production model?
Take care,
Andrew and the team at Kailash.
Thanks guys! I've not read it but it seems like a lot of people really love it. Maybe I'll give it a go in my next break from work :)