Brave Heart, corn knives???

Oct 9, 2000
Can anyone tell me the name of the single or double pointed, machete like, edged weapons in the movie "Brave Heart",
If it is what I think you are talking about, The slightly strange looking pole arm, the name I know them by is Loch Arbor Axe.

Or is it that strange looking, wider at the tip, sword type thing? I've been trying to find out about that one myself. Anyone know?

the strange machete type sword you see is a falchion precurser to the cutlass and some say the saber
The Falchion began in the 13th century,and reached its zenith in the 15th century. The battle of Sterling Bridge, in the middle of the, "Brave Heart", film took place in the middle of the 17th century,.The film was to be historically correct, but with a fiction story plot. I realize it is a farm tool/Sax type of weapon,but it must have a name!! Ironhorse