BRKT Question from Jim

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Feb 23, 2007
Andy, I realize that the question I'm about to ask may put you on the spot, but have you been happy with the Bark River Recluse collaboration? Here's the chain of events leading up to my question:

Back when you posted the "Batch Done" thread where these knives were listed, based on your picture of the blue + natural handled Recluse, I decided that I really wanted a Recluse -- I specifically wanted that one, but didn't think that I would be able to get it, so I began looking for a Recluse that I could buy. As I understand your business model, you don't take public orders, so that wasn't an option. Search engines being my friend, they led me to the Knives Ship Free, Fiddleback: Recluse section. I searched for Bark River Recluse reviews, and came across some complaints about blade failures; I know that they should be taken with a grain of salt because you can never be sure of what someone was actually doing with their knife, and that people who are happy with their knives are far less motivated to post a review than ones who have problems. However, between their small BRKT selection and those complaints, I decided to look for something else. Over, the next couple days, I decided to order their last BRKT rampless Bravo-1 in CPM3V; I wanted 3V because I'd also read complaints about a few of the A2 Bravo-1 blades, and since I was already spending a fair amount for a semi-production knife, I might as well get the "best" version of it. Anyway, I don't want to drift too far afield, but between the complaints I found online, and the low stock of BRKT Recluses, I wondered if they were just temporarily out-of-production, or if that condition is more permanent, and if so, how much you could or would say about the collaboration.

The Recluse I scored from Lee's will be my fourth Fiddleback Forge knife (along with a KE Bushie, a KPH and a Bushfinger); obviously, I like your knives and don't want to be taken as a Troll by asking about the BRKT Recluses. I know that your custom Recluse and the semi-production version are different, and I'd like to hear your opinions about the BRKT version. However, I also recognize that I'm asking about a contractual business relationship, so you may not be able to (or want to) say much on the subject.
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Jim, I moved this post from the Lee's Cutlery thread and started a new thread. I will answer your question in the new thread, and then lock it.

I really enjoyed working with Derrick and Mike during this project. I spent time on the phone with both, and everything was smooth as silk. Mike has been a mentor of mine, and has helped me learn to make knives from the beginning. Additionally, I have owned a couple of dozen BRKTS, and a production Recluse without EVER having problems with my blades. I think 2 or so of the recluses had edge issues. So, less than 1 percent. I found it shitty and irritating that the malignment of Mike, deservedly or undeservedly, tainted this run. My plan to alleviate this issue is to do production knives in house by farming out the work and assembling here, rather than involving any other brandname in the process again. Let me stress that this isn't because of any experience I've had with Mike, whom I respect greatly. It is because of the experience I had here with BRKT haters.

As far as I am concerned BRKT is a great American success story.
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