Broadwell Presentation Fighter


Enjoying the discussions
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 8, 2001
For over a year now, David Broadwell and I have been talking and working out the details on a fighter project I wanted him to undertake. From the outset I had some specific idea's: Subhilt guard, non-damascus blade, blued fittings and a figured walnut handle.


All of this stems from one of David's subhilts that Les Robertson was offering on his site quite some time ago. It was truly a beautiful knife. It was sold by the time I was ready to pony up, and Les himself steered me to work with David. After initial discussion, it was also mentioned that I might want to rethink the walnut as a handle material, because a knife in this league deserves a 'better' material. (Better was explained as a more desireable material in the event I was to sell it. Good advice.) Nonetheless, What I WANTED was a knife that had all the warmth and beauty of a fine double-barreled shotgun with blued fittings, engraving, and great color in a walnut stock. Since I didn't yet want to sell this ;), we decided to go for it as presented. I'm certainly pleased with the outcome. I think David was pleasantly surprised as well!

We also talked of engraving and blued fittings. After some conversations with David and suggestions from Gary Levine, David was able to persuade Ray Cover Jr. to fit this work into his already-booked schedule. ;) Ray's work is the perfect compliment to this knife--tasteful and elegant enough to enhance it, but not so busy to overly dominate. This was my suggestion as well. Also my reasoning for a non-damascus blade.

David and Ray are long-time friends and their collaborations go above and beyond. This is a fine example.

I'll tell you it has lot's of fine stippling, and the fittings weren't easy!

15" OAL, 9 1/2" blade, satin finished 154CM (Scary sharp! :))

Of course I spent considerable time working on my pics for it, and I hope they 'do the knife justice'. (I'm finally getting this down!)
Here's a different version for a single display:


Website: Ray Cover Jr.'s website email:

Holy Smokes Coop.First a kid and then a Broadwell Sub Hilt!!!!!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek:
That is one exquisite knife! You can present that Walnut Fighter to me any time at all! :D Everyone involved with that creation should be highly congratulated!!!
WOW! Very nice piece you have there. Love the work on the blade as well as the beautiful handle with it's blues! The walnut fits it very well. Cover's work is incredible! You have very good tastes there Coop. An incredible design indeed.
I'm... like...speechless..that' beautiful! I'm going to have to look at those pictures for a long time to catalog everything I like about this knife. You both did a great job - congrats!

Saw this on TKCL a few min. ago and it made my day.

I am still stunned. Beautiful knife Jim, Dave and Ray.
David Broadwell and this is as good as it gets. Coop, simply beautiful!! Congratulations.

I am also a big fan of Broadwell sub-hilts and can only dream of owning one along the lines of this someday. While I dearly love the one I have, it pales in artistic beauty when compared to this classic.

Who ever was responsible for that guard really deserves some serious credit. Very original.
From myself, but moreso from David and Ray, whom I sent this link to.

Yeah, this one just keeps growing and growing on you. I keep finding subtle area's that I hadn't paid attention to initially.

Jamie, you can give 100 percent design credits to David Broadwell. I only offered the suggestion of materials. He took the ball and ran! :) The same goes for Ray's work. I only offered I didn't want it too busy. His non-framed scrolls couldn't be better-suited.

My wife and I just had our first child (boy) just over two weeks ago. So this is Trevor's new knife!! :D Already a KnifeKnut!

Looks like I am going to have to treat David with a little more respect when he visits for the pen show in a couple of months.
(maybe I can keep all the mutts out of his room this time :D).
Simply amazing detail work !!!! Coop, just forget the folder project and send me that one . Will my folder money cover it? LOL!! Just kidding man . That is one outstanding Presentation Fighter . Congrats. and hope the baby is doing well .


Wow ,I finally can type again after having the wires and pins removed from my arm , sure feels good . Nothing like flipping a Semi .
Stunning knife, and you did a heck of a job with the pictures too, COop. Excellent work.

The knife, by the way, has some really fantastic lines. It flows. It's classy and graceful and I believe you when you say it's sharp - I used to own a Broadwell MLR-Tac subhilt (like an idiot, I sold it :( ) and it was ultra-sharp as well.

Congrats on the little Coop too. Great news. :)