Broke my ankle

That's my fondest desire ;) but last night it hurt like the dickens, but then the foot was down almost all day, so by night time, it had swollen up and that is what made it hurt so much I think, at least I'm hoping!!! so I brought some smaller pillows to bed last night to raise the leg up, this morning the swelling had gone down considerably, but it taught me a lesson, I'm not out of the woods yet, I need to keep it elevated when I can and still ice during the day.

It's a very nice day out here in the northern corner of PA, so I went outside for some sunshine, my wife brought me a lawn chair to rest in and drink some tea while she was attending to the painting of the front of the house ;) we have a stucco brick wall and she fixed the cracks where there were some and is cutting in around the edges getting ready to use the roller to paint the main portions. I did/do feel bad that I am not able to get up and help with this, really I am ! we are in the midst of trying to sell our house so this bit of facelift might help turn the corner for those on the edge about buying when they come to check it out, after 30+ years here, it will be very strange to move...:( but we need to do so to be closer to the grandkids that my wife watches, gas is a killer lately!


I was getting hot so I hobbled back in, I feel that I can put more weight on it now, very close to a time for a cane I think. Thursday is the next checkup and fingers crossed back to work on Friday, which will seem really odd !

Let me get this straight .

You sit in a chair , in the sun , drinking tea , with your feet up , while your wife paints the house .
Man I sure messed up my life , I think I might need lessons .
Maybe you could do a tutorial on how you managed to achieve this ?


Haha, sorry I can't share that information.

It's a gift and a curse :)
(said in my best Adrian Monk voice)

Back from the Doc's he says things look like they are progressing, didn't do an xray but just checked the ankle by eye. I think he's seen a LOT of these and it's old hat to him. Good thing, I've heard before that he was one of the best around.

I asked about how much weight I can put on there, he said FULL weight now, so I said I was thinking of moving to a cane? he said if I feel comfortable using a cane then that would be ok by him. Asked him about the warmth and redness on the foot at times, he said that's normal as the body is still undergoing healing and will send blood to those affected areas so that's normal. Asked him about the long pin, said they've left them in without problems, and even if they break it didn't pose a problem afterwards.

SO, I had my wife stop at a health care store near us, as I didn't like the canes I tried at walmart very much. They had an anatomically correct style grip version there for just over $20, they are handed so you had to choose the one you'd use. In my case it's a right hand walk, since my left leg is the troubled one. I checked on several Youtube vids about how to use canes and that was always the recommendation, some made snide comments about the guy on "House M.D." how he uses the cane incorrectly, and I think they were right, as it does make you a bit more stable using the cane on the opposite side of the injured leg.

Not looking for any races yet, he gave me a back to work note with the stipulation of Desk duty and allowing that I can have my leg raised while sitting to help control the swelling. As on Sunday I had not such a good day of it, long day, leg down most of it, that night the ankle was swollen and felt like everything inside my ankle wanted to get out...NOW ;) so some ice and elevated for a while and some pillows that night, the swelling was down the next morning and better. I was happy about that!!!

So, wish me luck on the cane use, it'll be interesting to get back to work tomorrow, at least I have a long weekend to look forward to!

edited to add a quick pic of what the cane handle looks like, this is for a Right handed grip, palm sits down on the right side and the area below the thumb rests on the left side, works well, but it's those first few starting steps that are a killer!!! getting started is rough, once moving it's not too bad, still hurts but hopefully that will ease up soon !!

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This week marks a milestone, at work I'm walking without the cane, as well as at home. Using it mainly when I go outside and the ground is uneven, don't want to take a misstep and cause further damage. Still a lot of tightness and not full movement but I guess that's to be expected, but there isn't any pain putting full weight on the ankle, but it doesn't like me standing still on it for too long!

Great news that You have made progress.
It makes good sense to continue to use the short hiking stick outside for a while longer.
Especially since that is where the problem started in the first place.