Broken BK&T Patrol Machete

Dec 15, 2001
Hello, I have owned a BK&T PM for a little over 1 year now, its a great knife. This weekend i went camping and it broke while splitting some firewood. Broke right where the sweet spot on the edge is, right infront of where it starts to thickn out for the point. Snapped almost clean as it shattered a quarter size piece on the edge side of the blade that shattered into alot of little pieces and then the rest of the snap is clean through. Any chance of getting a replacement? who would i e-mail? Thanks guys!

Hey Rifter...

First off I am sorry to hear you had a problem with a BK&T product.
I would really like to talk to you about the problem ... PLEASE e-mail me a phone number at and I will give you a call ... will be headed to SHOT Show wed at noon . ..We want to know !
All Best...