Broken Recon Tanto pics--finally

Apr 7, 2003
Well, I finally got a digital camera, so here's a pic of my broken CS Recon Tanto as described in this thread.

Note that this is my first attempt at posting a photo, so if it doesn't work, I might be fiddling with it. :)

FoxholeAtheist said:
Well, I finally got a digital camera, so here's a pic of my broken CS Recon Tanto as described in this thread.

Note that this is my first attempt at posting a photo, so if it doesn't work, I might be fiddling with it. :)


I am strongly suggesting that you call Cold Steel. I have been dealing with them for 25 years and they stand behind their product. When you call you need to speak to the head honcho, his name is Miguel and he's in charge of the customer service department. He has the power to help you. I had an SRK for 10 years when it broke due to a quench crack. Miguel replaced it free of charge when I sent it to him. He told me that the warranty period means nothing to him. If the knife has a legitimate defect, he will replace it regardless of how long you have owned it.
I am so confident that he will replace this knife for you that I will send you my own new Recon Tanto if he does not. Just be sure to print out both threads and send them in with your knife. Let us know the outcome!
Tell them to try to bend the remaining part of the blade in their next DVD, hee hee!
Well, the photo clears up one theory: the tang/blade junction *is* properly radiused, and the break didn't even occur there, anyway.

Looks to me like the heat treat is to blame. Call Cold Steel, get 'em to send you another one.
get 'em to send you another one.

Yep, and then sell it before using it so you can advertise it as being mint.

I used to be a CS fan just like many others here, but THREE blades broken in the past 12 months or so is just 3 too many.

I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but batoning is not abuse. Telling someone your heat treat is excellent when in fact there are problems is. :( :thumbdn:
Three blades, three users... the two that I remember (mine and another) both batoning, which is universally recognized as something that any knife advertised as a tough-as-nails combat blade should be able to do.
nolan raborn said:
What the Hell is "batoning?"

Pounding on the spine of the knife to drive it through the material, usually to split wood. mostly using a stick to pound with. Definitely not an abusive exercise for a good knife.
Ah, the apologists come out of the woodwork. Sorry, but 1/16" Old Hickory butcher knives can stand up to batoning. I can't speak to problems with the user, but a 3/16" piece of steel breaking in this use is unacceptable to the point of comedy. Especially when we see that the blade/tang juncture is radiused and so can't be blamed as a stress riser. This is just poor heat treatment.
Any chance of a photo of the fracture surface ? That would mean even more , to me at least .