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Broken scales

Nov 8, 2000
Today I was cutting an ironwood scale with a hack saw and the thing snapped right in half:o I didnt have the vice too tight ,I was carefully sawing and for once I was paying attention.
Is this common with burl woods it looks like it broke right where the color change is in the wood.
Did you say you were thinking about makig really small knives?
Sorry couldn't help it. Spend some of that moldy money and get a
mitre saw.:D I know that you know youcan't have too many tools!
Hi Joe,
It is a bummer when one does break!!! I have used gorrilla glue to salvage it and showed the flaw to the buyer. But if its a clean break it will be hard to find the crack after the wood ages.
Best of Luck!!!!
Hi Joe,
It is a bummer when one does break!!! I have used gorrilla glue to salvage it and showed the flaw to the buyer. But if its a clean break it will be hard to find the crack after the wood ages.
Best of Luck!!!!

Now that you mention it Dave I got away with that with some bloodwood one time. Might be worth a shot.
Did you say you were thinking about makig really small knives?
Sorry couldn't help it. Spend some of that moldy money and get a
mitre saw.:D I know that you know youcan't have too many tools!

I've been wanting to try a mini knife:)
Maybe I can use them for bolsters ,it broke right in the middle.....doh
Ya know I was gonna spend my christmas money on a band saw instead of boots too.
Definitely bolsters then. I have seen ironwood on several knives as bolsters and it's SWEET.
May be a blessing in disguise.