Bruce Gillespie custom

Oct 6, 2000
Yesterday I went to a gun and knife show in Marlboro MA. Ran into a fellow, I met only once before. He is Bruce Gillespie, a custom maker, from West Virginia. I purchased an absolutely beautiful small skinner knife with a great heavy duty black leather sheath. The blade is high polished 0-1 steel with scalloping on the spine. The handle has brass guard and cap with beautiful gold lip mother of pearl slabs. Really really nice!!!

Does anyone else know of this talented fellow? Check out his web site and unbelievable prices at
Looks like he makes some great knives.
I do not mean to split hairs here but is the mini 605 folder on his site a kit knife?
If it is,why is he putting his name on it?
nifrand: I do have to mention that the images on his web site do not do justice to the workmanship.

On the other hand, the folder is described as a Darrel Ralph design kit. I don't know about the issue of Bruce Gillespie having his name on the blade. Good question.