For me, the big dividing line within the Schrade line is at the Old Timer vs all other (including the Bruin) models- juncture. Us carbon steel nuts like the toughness, flexibility, ease of sharpening and degree of sharpness (related to grain refinement)attainable of the OT's and continuously check the Shrade site to see if out requests for an expanded OT line will ever be answered.
Someone else would have to describe the benefits of "Schrade+" steel on all the other models. I don't know of any myself - other than it takes a pathetic edge but holds it forever (My theory is that most sportsmen are of the armchair variety and don't know what really sharp or really tough means - therefore are perfectly happy with stainless). Oh, I forgot. It's also pretty.
I guess you know where I sit. Go on E-bay if you want a large carbon steel knife and get yourself a discontinued 125OT or 250OT. You can bend the point halfway on itself, hammer it back and then shave with it.
hope it helps,