buck 110 in "City by the Sea"

Oct 26, 1999
Has anyone seen "City by the Sea," recent DeNiro flick, good movie by the way. Anyway, there is a scene where a guy is stabbed with a 110, which the original assailant, call him "bad drug dealer dude" flicks outthe 110 as fast as an auto while one hand is holding another guy!! Hmm, does he have a technique I don't know about??
Haven't seen it, but it sounds like some kind of "Hollywood magic" to me. A Buck 110?? If I was directing that film, I'd pick something more "to the point" like maybe a Microtech OTF.:eek:
"Hollywood Magic" - could be??? :rolleyes: But most people that carry a Buck 110 develop a technique for fast, easy, "one-handed" opening of some sorts. Could also be using something like the "One Armed Bandit" sold by SMKW. Who knows...... :confused:

There was thread on Opening Techniques for 110's not too long ago but I can't remember the heading.
those auto 110's are cool! the on in the movie had no button or stud, though -- I expect it was "hollywood magic"
I have a 110 that opens one handed, no auto, no one-arm bandit, no nothing.

I have an old sheath that I fitted to the 110, and carry it tip-down on my right hip(spine forward). Just pull it out by the spine and wrist flick.