• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

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    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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buck box?

May 6, 2004
well you guys ...
i went to a buck bro's house and i hads ta put my
bucks in a card board box.
well the wife cleaned out the car today and found a knife..
yea i did get it back but she fussed ...
any way i felt truly embarressed at his fine displays and me wit a paper box
no security no protection .. and no looks at atall

well i went and did something about tit today!
her you all go the unvealing of
~daves buck box~
a real west virginia strong box!
will hold apx 110 110's jest right.
any one know how heavy 110~110's are?
enught talk here it is ...





well what ya tink? ok for a hill billy? :D
naw not quite...
i needed a way to lock them up for the trip to fla and not have to have
then in some thing like a tool box or tupperware,,,
realy what is out there to secure and transport knives?
so this was kinda a half hearted joke to be in fun...
Cool looking box Dave.The Eagles are a nice .
Should be just the thing for taking then to the shows.
I like it crazy Dave,

Now you need to get one of those old strong box locks for it ;) .

Nice box.

Dave I have one of the old strong box locks....with one key.
I might have to keep the key.
It's a shame that you went and made that box Dave! I followed you around last week, and just look at the knives you dropped...good thing I was there to scoop'em up :p Thanks Dave!!:D :) :D
Somewhere on it, you have to write Made In USA, don't want anyone confusing this with one of those cheap imports.
Somewhere on it, you have to write Made In USA, don't want anyone confusing this with one of those cheap imports.
That is funny.

Dave...what's wrong with tupperware?
Here's my misc-box. Tupperware.
I do like your's better...looks like a pirate cou'dn't get in it.
Speaking of knife boxes, I picked this up at Gander Mt. the other day. It was only 20 bucks, no not 20 110's==20 dollars. I can store 100 knives or so in it.
It is in the gun section as a gun makers tool box. I think it's neat.
...Pick one up for me...I'll send money, charms, pictures of ladies weaving blankets and other goods of value in spite of how they appear to normal people...:D :D :rolleyes:
...LOL...I'm old but not YET petrified...ain't no Gander Mountain for hunerds o' miles from here in any direction...LOL...Love that box...:thumbup:
That box is a bargain for the price. This guy, www.hueycases.com makes some incredible cases. I would bet a custom configuration wouldn't phase him in the least. His price may cause heart failure though.
...I now buy keyboards in boxes of 12...That way I always have one after I heave my coffee through my nose and between my teeth all over it from looking at stuff like from that website...Sheeesh...Gotta find a job workin' for someone from Columbia...:eek: :eek: :eek:
Darryl, You must be in the middle of the Everglades, no wonder you need so many knives. Ya know skinning alligators and all. Gander has 1 store in all of Florida, that's in Lake Mary, is that close to you?
Darryl, You must be in the middle of the Everglades, no wonder you need so many knives. Ya know skinning alligators and all. Gander has 1 store in all of Florida, that's in Lake Mary, is that close to you?
...Dave...Lake Mary is 129 miles from here...That's like driving 350 miles in any state up north...LMAO...:D :rolleyes:
It's a shame that you went and made that box Dave! I followed you around last week, and just look at the knives you dropped...good thing I was there to scoop'em up :p Thanks Dave!!:D :) :D

ya know i wandered were they went....
i kinda thought i was "light" a few...
well finders keepers is what i always heard they say... enjoy...
gald they are loved and not lost in the wild world...
hummm did you tell darryls? because he said he wants to follow me around?
oh and i did put made in usa on it but did not put a "no ats34 allowed"...
i wont do that again... learn some thing every day or so ...