Buck is now using cancer causing materials?

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Rather than just piss on California (not that the state doesn't deserve it), let's also remember all the lead-contaminated toys that came from China via US/multinational companies. It's cheaper for a company to slap on a label than to solve the problem requiring a label in the first place.
Here it is. This is the side of the box that contains my Boone & Crockett 121 dated 4/10/2012.

Man, it has me so scared I'm afraid to handle it! ;)


You better send that cancer causing knife to me Dave! You need to do that quick.....it should not be in your house;)
Another good reason why Buck Knives left California:thumbup:

Yep, I'm sure they are working on regs to force all CA residents to post some of those warning signs on every door leading to the outside.....that nasty ball of fire in the sky also is known to cause cancer:eek:
I went into town today to get my nephew a pocket knife for his birthday,i bought a buck offshore 3 blade folder with wood handles and buck nameplate.I gave it to him and as i'm telling him about the warranty ,he asks me what this red message meant.It was inside on the back cover and was a disclaimer that read"this product contains a material that is known to cause cancer" WTF!I don't know about anyone else,but its going back tomorrow and i'll be waiting to hear some answers from Buck Knives on this matter.I am guessingnthe buck nameplate imbedded in the scale is made out of lead,or is it the bolsters or what?I'd love some clarification,NOT WHAT I'D EXPECT IN A BUCK PRODUCT!I can't give a knife to anyone knowing that disclaimer is on there.

Please tell me you're kidding.

If not, take a deep breath and relax. You've come to the right place. Prop 65 was passed by California voters in 1986 in an effort to limit the dumping of carcinogenic chemicals into water sources. It has had some success in doing that. It has also led to some fairly major unintended consequences. Organizations like the California Environmental Protection Agency latch on to legislation like this and use it to justify their existence on a scale far exceeding anything the people ever intended. These Prop 65 warning labels provide a perfect example of this process at work. The threshold for the types and toxicity levels of the substances requiring warning is so ambiguous that manufacturers slap them on everything just to avoid the chance of being found in non-compliance. The net effect is that the government bureaucrats have rendered the labels completely meaningless. They're everywhere. Building owners slap them up in parking garages for no other reason than the cars that park there emit exhaust. Chances are, there's nothing any more toxic in your Buck than the oil lubricating the blade.
I've been ignoring those labels for years.

I remember seeing my first one.

I stood there with the box in my hand, contemplating the label, and then reviewed what I knew about the product inside the box. Well, I concluded, I guess it could be said that if you ground up what's in the box into a talc-grade powder and make someone inhale it for a few months, you could induce cancer.

Your counter top at home contains "chemicals known to cause cancer."

As does most of your cabinetry. And the packaging for some -- if not most -- of your food.

But wait! There's more!

Your bookcases, if they're made like mine, contain glues and cements which, if you manage to ingest enough of them, can cause cancer. Careful, though, because if you're gonna eat enough of the bookcase to poison yourself with the glue, you're gonna run into problems with the wood splinters way before that happens.

Of course, in the usual fashion of "education through obfuscation" the bureaucrats have managed to create anxiety and mystery without actually informing you of anything.

Basically: PANIC NOW! (This has been a test of the national panic network. If it had been a real panic, you would have received instructions.)


Don't panic. Just remember where your towel is, and don't be hitchhiking with any Vogons.

A towel... is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have.

Seriously though, I love California, but if a food/consumer/industrial product ever was processed/touched/in the same room with a compound/chemical/element that may be a carcinogen, then that label is standard here.
"other reproductive harm"

There is some truth to that part. ;) The spey blade is designed just for that! :eek:
OK So we don't need to be worried too much then i take it.I have never seen this on a buck knife box before,just had me really puzzled ,i guiess i'm not too worried if nobody else is,heck he can have lead pellets for his pellet rifle ,i guess a pocket knife with a bit of oil ain't gonna hurt too bad.LOL.Why do they need to put this sticker on the box then?
Next thing there will be a warning engraved on the blade, ever look at the barrel of a late model Ruger. It's horrible.
Following that there will be a key lock requirement to hold the blade closed or a fixed blade in a sheath when the knife is unattended.....:eek: California will eventually require all knives sold in the state to be redesigned so that they can be dropped 3 feet without cutting anything....
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I'm onlt seeing it on the china made knives,no stickers on any us made stuff.Alaso,the wording has changed somewhat on knife boxes as of late,instead of "made in the USA,they now read USA made,not sure if the parts are usa made tho.
I'm onlt seeing it on the china made knives,no stickers on any us made stuff.Alaso,the wording has changed somewhat on knife boxes as of late,instead of "made in the USA,they now read USA made,not sure if the parts are usa made tho.

:confused: The picture I posted is of an American made 121 (Boone & Crockett edition) with the box dated only a little over a month ago (4/10/2012). The box says "Made In USA", not "USA Made".
I bought a crowbar that had a sticker stating "Use of this product could cause cancer".
The made in china Gerber Freeman I bought had a cancer warning sticker on it. So did the Buck Bucklite Boone and Crocket combo I got. But the made in Taiwan SOG Powerlock didn't. I live in FL, and we aren't nearly as crazy as CA about the warning labels. Maybe Buck is using chinese material for their "American Made" knives. Gotta cut costs somewhere.
Everything is known to the state of California to cause cancer. Seriously, pretty soon they're just gonna start telling people oxygen causes cancer too. I wouldn't worry one bit at all. I'd be more worried if that notice said the product inside is known to cause lacerations.
Justice would be to give the state back to Mexico and appologize for stealing it from them in the first place.

Statements like this need to be avoided. Political commentary on this site is restricted to he Political Arena. I know this topic has the potential to spin in to a debate about legislative silliness (understandably so) but please try to keep from going too far as it result in the thread being closed.

Thank you

Last time I checked, Nova Scotia was in Canada. Why do these always turn into a California bashing thread instead of answering the OP's original concern?
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