Buck Knife Lock Strengths


Feb 17, 1999
Jeff, I'm impressed that you all test as many as 35 knives at a time.

When you or your R&D dept. or whomever, designs a specific knife, what parameters do you use to determine what the lock *should* be capable of withstanding?

What lock strength differences would be expected of such different locks as an old 110, a new 110, a Buck Selector, a 560, a 532 Bucklock, a Crosslock and an Odyssey? Also, how much does handle material play a part in determining lock strength?

At what point do you decide, "Ok, this is a strong enough lock for this particular type of knife?"

I'm really most curious about the relationship of spine thickness and rocker bar notch depth and length if anyone can provide some details.


Everything goes back to the 110. That has proven itself over the years to be a solid lock. We use that ratio of rocker head depth to blade channel width for all sizes. Typically we need a little more engagement the bigger the blade (like the Goliath)
We have developed a matrix over the years of models and their strength. We feel that if we can exceed a 110 on a new design we are there.
I would expect the 110/560/532(lockback)/112/Selector to perform in relation to the 110 in proportion of size. The crosslock and odysseys are a different animal.
In a nutshell.....

Jeff "Without data it's just another opinion" Hubbard