
Mar 13, 2001
I have resharpened the 172 of mine, putting a polished razor edge on it, and used it quite a bit to see how this knife will hold an edge and it does a fantastic job of both taking an edge and edge retention. In my opinion, Tom Mayo, Buck, and Paul Bos have a real winner in this knife. The only thing that I see that could be done to make it better, would be to put a little more bend on the end of the clip to make it go on a pocket without having to pull it out a little.
thats probably a good idea, you can take it off the knife and do that by hand without much effort, or just grab the clip and pull it up until it is just barely touching the handle when you let it go-only problem is that its hard to get it like that the first time.
Often on my own knives I pull the clip up until it is just a hair off the handle so it slides on my pants pocket easier....but I will see if I can get Bill K to rectify the situation and thanks.
hey: does that mean the tight-clipped ones will be more collectable?:) just kidding. I am getting pretty good at using my index finger to pull up on the clip. { what is the method used when taking it off the knife?} I imagine you would apply pressure to the under side of where it first makes contact with the pocket top. I have a friend who is handier with such things. Gotta go show it to Billy. Have fun, Rob19
Tom, No need to chat with Bill K. The next run will be adjusted for belt clip tightness.. I'm on the case..


thanks jeff, maybe I should start emailing you..bill is not the great corresponder!!!! :rolleyes: ;) :rolleyes:
Originally posted by OMRie
Any chance of a smaller Buck/Mayo titanium and the same steel?

Yikes, I was thinking bigger would be better...

3" blade already makes a pretty small handle. Of course, I haven't actually held one yet, so this is theoretical...

What are the chances of this being an entire line of knives? Or at least a 3.5-4" blade also?

Frodo don't feel lonely. I'm still waiting for my knives to come through and I'm near the top of the list for dealer orders. They keep telling me "any time now" but I haven't seen any...and I'm only ten minutes from the Buck factory. All they have to do is call and I can run over and pick them up. Sigh....
I have a feeling they are using some of the new knives off the line to replace the few lemons that are coming out. Just a thought.

Personally I would like to see a bigger one too.............

Like my large size with a 5/32" thick 3.75" Blade and a bit thicker handle slabs...........CJ and Bill, are you reading this??? :)
Anyone find a Buck/Mayo for sale yet? I have only found "PRE" orders....:grumpy: :grumpy: :grumpy: :grumpy:
