here is a short history of the Odyssey series and the changes it has gone through from 98-99
The 98 Odyssey started as a 2 model series...
1. 181-fl/fx -- ATS-34 with a plastic side and single liner (linerlock)This knife had a plasitc backbone, and came in serrated and non. early models had a chamfer, but was later dropped.
2. 182-fl/fx -- ATS-34 with G-10 and single liner (early protos were of Micarta) This knife had a steel backbone. This was available in serrated or non and had a chamfer on backbone(less than 3000 made)
Changes for 99 are this..
We now have three in the series (so far)
Major changes to the whole series include - Full steel backbone and double liners on all models. We found that by adding the second liner, the knife had better action and less handle flex that could contribute to lock failure. We also decided not to carry the 181 in serrated and not serrated both, just serrated.
1 - Model 186-fl -- designed as a price point for the consumer that likes the Odyssey series but needs to save money or doesn't care about specialty steel (mostly mass merchant type customers who shop by price.) This model has a full steel backbone and no blade chamfer. unserrated only
2 - Model 181-fx -- ATS-34 steel serrated blade. Plastic handles. This model also has a steel backbone with two liners also. No blade chamfer.
3 - Model 182-fxCF -- Ats-34 with chamfer and serrations. Carbon Fiber scales and double liner with steel backbone.
I hope this helps ID the changes we've made.
Jeff "Without data it's just another opinion" Hubbard
Quality Supervisor
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