Buck Strider or Emerson CQC-7

Dec 25, 2001
I've been contemplating my next folder purchase. I'm torn between the Buck Strider Mini and the Emerson CQC-7 Mini.

Both appear to be good designs. Both are nearly the same price.

Any suggestions?

While they have simularities, they are different in intended purpose.

CQC7- pointy end goes in bad guy knife.

Mini Strider- can do that, but is moer there to handle heavy stuff.
Thanks for the reply, mschwoeb.

I was concerned about Emerson's warrenty policy. I've heard they take care of people and offer to re-sharpen knives. Any experiences with them?

The Buck Strider is one heavy knife with a strong as an ox lockup. It was to large for me so I put it up for sale the other day. They are just to heavy for me to carry. Of course I get buy with my micra most of the time anyway.
ive had both knives in question, but id have to say they cant really be compared, the B/S is a sharpened folding prybar.

the CQC7 is a great EDC knife, but dont expect to do any heavy duty prying with it.

like i said though, ive owned both, sold both (now carry a commander almost 24/7), but im seriously thinking of buying another cqc7 simply because its a great KNIFE, not a prybar.

if you want the best of both worlds i.e. knife and prybar, id suggest the cqc7 and an atwood mini prybaby, but if you want both combined into one, go for the B/S its good at both, but it doesnt do as good by itself as the other two would do seperate, its a trade off.

although if you want the ultimate, definetaly go for a AR/GB/SNG. theyre the best of the best!

and as far as warranty goes, buck and emerson are pretty much the best in the business.:D
I own a CQC7A, and its one tough S.O.B. Great user, and Emerson has a great customer service.

I really can't tell you about the Buck Strider, other than I would like to have a large Spear Point.
there's been a lot of complaints with EK thin liners. The Buck Strider liner is incredible. When you want thick liners - there is only one option - Buck Strider.
Thanks for the input. I still can't make up my mind. The B/S is sounding really good, but I'd like to try one of Emerson's knives, too.

Decisions, decisions...

Well, im the kind of guy who likes knives that are about 100 times stronger than they need to be, and despite Emerson's claim that theyre the #1 "Hard Use Knife", there is little doubt, once you compare the 2 knives, that the BS is the harder use knife.

As has been mentioned, for some reason Emerson uses very thin liners, and while i know and agree that liner thickess is but one factor in a lock, i cant help but think that generally, thicker is better and stronger. So, if thin liners bother you, youll greatly prefer the BS, if youre like me and you like knives that are extremely robust and heavy-duty oriented, again, the BS wins. As was mentioned, if you want a true monster folding knife, get the real Strider folders, as large and strong as the BS is, the real Strider AR/GB is doubly so and frankly an amazing feat of overengineering. If the AR/GB is simply too big for you, the SnG is of much more practical size and equally strong with its well designed frame lock.
Okay, seeing that I own both, I would choose the Emerson Mini-CQC7 and here's why:
The mini Buck Strider is definately a little tank of a folder but think ergonomics. The Emerson mini-Cqc7 simply feels better and fits better in the hand compared to the Mini-Strider. It is much easier on the pocket than the rough sandpaper-like texture of the Mini-Strider. Despite the smaller size, the Mini CQC-7 is as thick as it's larger counterpart. On the Emerson you can reverse the pocket clip for tip up or tip down carry, unlike the Mini-Strider. Also, you can get the Mini CQC7 in a Black-T or a Hard Chrome finish, which is better than the bead blast finish of the Mini-Strider (in my opinion). As far as warranty goes, both Buck and Emerson have great customer service, but disassembling the Emerson will not void the warranty. Disassemble the Buck and you will void the warranty.
The Buck Strider is one hell of a stout knife. It's almost TOO stout to be a knife! The blade is seriously thick, the handle is thick and tough, but not very ergonomic. It is built WAY more stout than the Emerson. Buck has excellent customer service. The mini strider is ground on both sides.

The Emerson is also built tough. It has thinner liners and a thinner blade, but it is still plenty tough. It also has a more ergonomic handle. Emerson's customer service is also top notch. If I'm not mistaken, the CQC7 is only ground on one side, the other is flat.

They are both excellent knives with identical materials (ats-34, titanium, g-10) but with different builds for different purposes. In my opinion, the mini strider is WAY overbuilt for it's purpose (a knife). If you want something to cut stuff, buy the Emerson. If you want something to cut, pry, hack, punch through metal, etc., get the Strider.

IMHO, can't really go wrong with either one!