Buck to Basics....

Oct 6, 2006
Hey All,
I have been born again, to Buck knife collecting that is. I have been perusing shows and the web since deer season for Buck knives only. I helped a fella field dress a nice little 5 point but I somehow left my Spyderco in my truck. The young man who downed the deer was not too experienced at the task at hand so I helped with his envolvement. He had an old 110 and I as I used it the feel of that timeless folder in my hand brougt back my first deer. I could not beleive I did not have a single 110 in my collection. Since then I have picked up a couple of well used 110's and I have a thing for 181's & 182C's as well as a Sirus. I also got a 180 folder with a gold anodized blade that is excellent condition. I am not sure what it is but I paid $7.00 for it and it's really kinda Retro Cool. My question is, Is ther anyone out there that customizes old Bucks or even new ones. I am going to purchase a 110 with BG-42 and I want some CF scales put on it.... Any help would be appreciated. Thanks... ~baba~
Is that stabilized corn flakes? I'm not too keen on carbon fiber, just doesn't feel good.
I have a real nice little collection of knive w/CF (Carbon Fiber) I would like to add a 110 to that cabinet. If someone can give me a name, I have some work I would like done to a couple of Bucks...
...hmmm...some black CF scales might look neat on a 110...I could see some nice tight basket weave pattern...:cool:
...Yep...It would look kine nice actually...May have to scope out some place with 1/4 inch CF...:cool:
Thanks So Much jb4570!!!! thats all I was looking for..... I'll get right at it. If I can get this done I will post Photos and let you folks have a look.
Thanks So Much jb4570!!!! thats all I was looking for..... I'll get right at it. If I can get this done I will post Photos and let you folks have a look.


Leroy is a true artist. I'm sure you will be more than happy with his work. We will expect to see some photo's when you get your knife back. CF makes very nice looking handles. I only have one knife with CF material......it's a non-Buck though :eek: . Bought before I converted to Buck only.

Hmmm...I have never had black corn flakes. Heard that once you do, ya never go back though.

...hmmmm...I wonder if you could put some corn flakes in a small box...pour some Minwax wood hardener or polyurethane with some black dye in it...let it dry into a block and make scales out of it???...Another project for when I have nothing to do...( like THAT ever happens...:rolleyes: )
I just got the most fantastic vision...

Handle slabs of Rice Crispies encased in clear epoxy. Like a rice crispy treat handle. Mmmmmm...
