Buck with no Mayo

Feb 14, 2002
I walked into the Buck knives factory today wanting
to handle and perhaps purchase one of the new
Buck/Mayo knives but no such luck, they said they
were out of them and didn't expect anymore for awhile.
I wish the factory had one that I could've at least
handled, I was bummed. Does anyone have any info on
current or future availability of this model?
From what I have heard they are still filling pre-orders. But they say that they are doing that at a rate of something like 50-100 a week. Best be to get one is to check and see who still has orders in, and if they have sold all of theirs. I got mine from Larry Oden, and I think he still has an order in but am not sure.
I just spoke with someone at the factory. I have had several on order since they first opened the list. I was number six on the list. Now I'm number five. Almost three weeks ago I was told that there were about 20 knives ahead of mine to be made. Today I was told the same thing. Looks like Larry is the only one who has gotten any.

If I were a guessing person I would guess that there may be some "tweaking" going on based on the feedback from the first 20 or so customers that Larry sold to.

I don't know that for a fact but something has to be holding up production of these things. Hopefully they will get some out before everyone loses interest.
There is about 40 more done and ready to ship.

Things are a little slow on them, not because of any major issues, but rather we are trying to nail the production process down.

Full production will be rolling smoothly soon.

It is not uncommon for the CO store to be the last on the list to get these to sell.

The only problem is if they gave me one to put in the company store, it might never make it out of my pocket! :)
I do like the idea of at least having one of each new model, even if not to sell. That way a person will know if the knife is one they will like. Will help a person decide if it is one they want to wait for.
I will look into this idea.
I want some too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :p :(

BTW-check it out..............my next post will be # 5000!!!!!! :eek:
Hey Joe,
Why don't you get one of each new model and stick 'em in your pockets. That way when anyone wants to see one all they gotta do is call you to the store. ;)