Has anyone ever used or seen a Buck knife used to save a animal or person?
I'll go first.
I was sponsoring a Calf Roping event at a Ranch rodio representing the company I work for. A Ranch rodio is where local ranchers get together to show off their cowboy talents, and we were contributing the prize money for the award buckels.
In Calf Roping you have teams of two riders on horse back. A header and a heeler. The calf is held in a chute. On the left side of the chute is the header, on the right side is the heeler. When the calf is let out of the chute both riders gallop after the calf. The header ropes the calf by the head and the heeler's job is to rope the calf by the two back legs after the header has roped the calf's head. The heeler has the harder job. It is a timed event and the horses love to compete as much as the cowboys. Some of the horse sell for thousands of dollars.
The event was late getting started because some of the ranchers were late getting there. The event finally started even though one of the teams was shot a rider. If I remember correctly there were 6 teams that day so there were tweleve horses standing around. A lot of pepole were setting in the stand behind the calf chute with just as many standing leaning on the fence, and a number of kids were running around. It was a nice day, sunny with a blue sky, but the wind was blowing, and the horses were kicking up a fair amount of dust from the roping corral so it was a little uncomfortable. I was setting at the top of the stands on the right side which were only about eight feet tall, but I could see all of the horses and riders.
The last rider finally showed up. He came roaring up behind the stand driving his pick-up and trailer. He pulled over jumped out, and unloaded his horse. The horse already had the bridle and saddle on. He lead the hosre over to the fence and tied it there then tighten the front and rear cinch, in a hurry. He then walked over to the announcers stand on the right side to register completing the last team.
A calf was standing in the chute, and two riders moved into position. The header on the left side of the chute stood up in his sturps as he was moving into position then starts yelling and pointing toward the horse that was just tied to the fence.
The rancher who tied it there was making his way back toward the horse after completing registration. Slinking between the people sitting in the stand and those standing leaning on the fence. He then caught sight of his horse.
When the rancher tighten the front cinch the horse must have exhalted and in his hurry he pulled it up to tight so the horse could not inhale to catch his breath!
I looked over when the header started yelling, and pointing to see the horse jurk up on it hind legs, cast itself backward to the ground on top of the saddle, role over on its side, and start tharashing around with all four shod feet striking out through the air, smashing its head on the ground over and over.
The header had jumped off his horse, scaled the fence, and was hell bent on saving the horse. He reached the animal dove in head first reaching for the loose end of the cinch across the saddle pulling as hard as he could, but the cinch did let go! The rancher, and one cowboy got there a second later. The cowboy went for the head laying over it stomach down. The rancher dove in pushed his fingers on his left hand under the cinch allowing the blade of his Buck folder aleady open underneath, and cut the cinch with one pull. The cowboy stayed on the horses head long enough for it to take a few breaths. Then all three of them got the horse up and held on to it until it settled down.
The rodio continued, and the horse settled down enough to be ridden. The team won a buckel!
Buck, to the rescue!
I'll go first.
I was sponsoring a Calf Roping event at a Ranch rodio representing the company I work for. A Ranch rodio is where local ranchers get together to show off their cowboy talents, and we were contributing the prize money for the award buckels.
In Calf Roping you have teams of two riders on horse back. A header and a heeler. The calf is held in a chute. On the left side of the chute is the header, on the right side is the heeler. When the calf is let out of the chute both riders gallop after the calf. The header ropes the calf by the head and the heeler's job is to rope the calf by the two back legs after the header has roped the calf's head. The heeler has the harder job. It is a timed event and the horses love to compete as much as the cowboys. Some of the horse sell for thousands of dollars.
The event was late getting started because some of the ranchers were late getting there. The event finally started even though one of the teams was shot a rider. If I remember correctly there were 6 teams that day so there were tweleve horses standing around. A lot of pepole were setting in the stand behind the calf chute with just as many standing leaning on the fence, and a number of kids were running around. It was a nice day, sunny with a blue sky, but the wind was blowing, and the horses were kicking up a fair amount of dust from the roping corral so it was a little uncomfortable. I was setting at the top of the stands on the right side which were only about eight feet tall, but I could see all of the horses and riders.
The last rider finally showed up. He came roaring up behind the stand driving his pick-up and trailer. He pulled over jumped out, and unloaded his horse. The horse already had the bridle and saddle on. He lead the hosre over to the fence and tied it there then tighten the front and rear cinch, in a hurry. He then walked over to the announcers stand on the right side to register completing the last team.
A calf was standing in the chute, and two riders moved into position. The header on the left side of the chute stood up in his sturps as he was moving into position then starts yelling and pointing toward the horse that was just tied to the fence.
The rancher who tied it there was making his way back toward the horse after completing registration. Slinking between the people sitting in the stand and those standing leaning on the fence. He then caught sight of his horse.
When the rancher tighten the front cinch the horse must have exhalted and in his hurry he pulled it up to tight so the horse could not inhale to catch his breath!
I looked over when the header started yelling, and pointing to see the horse jurk up on it hind legs, cast itself backward to the ground on top of the saddle, role over on its side, and start tharashing around with all four shod feet striking out through the air, smashing its head on the ground over and over.
The header had jumped off his horse, scaled the fence, and was hell bent on saving the horse. He reached the animal dove in head first reaching for the loose end of the cinch across the saddle pulling as hard as he could, but the cinch did let go! The rancher, and one cowboy got there a second later. The cowboy went for the head laying over it stomach down. The rancher dove in pushed his fingers on his left hand under the cinch allowing the blade of his Buck folder aleady open underneath, and cut the cinch with one pull. The cowboy stayed on the horses head long enough for it to take a few breaths. Then all three of them got the horse up and held on to it until it settled down.
The rodio continued, and the horse settled down enough to be ridden. The team won a buckel!
Buck, to the rescue!