Bulldog brand cutlery, yeah!

Jul 23, 2004
howdy all,

just returned not too long ago from smoky mountain knife works and I feel I love with a new line of knives... as if I needed to have any more :)

anyway... these knives are Bulldog brand knives. I have read about them here on the forums and seen them at shows, but never really paid much attention to them thinking thy were sub-par or less than a Case brand knife... boy was I wrong.

this thing is b-e-a-utiful! it is a large (maybe medium) sized congress with buffalo horn handles. fit and finish is impeccable and boy does it look good in my knife case.

needless to say, I have filled my eBay "watching" section w/ Bulldog folders to look at and possibly buy.

yee haw! Bulldog's here I come...
Good luck with that!

I just have to say congrats on having the 1200'th thread!
yeah; it was very nice to be there to pick the nice ones. actually i did not see any of the bulldogs that would have disappointed me if i was mailed one. it makes it so hard to choose though... because they had lots of beauties.

they were actually over in the "collections" section. this is typically where you find older knives that are from someones past collections? along with a few blackjack knives... they look a lot like randall mades, but about $400 less.
Glad to hear your pleased with the Bulldog brand. I have been looking at them myself. :cool: