Bura 18" Sirupati arrived today..!!!!!!!!


Knife and Computer Geek
Nov 2, 2002
Got the 18 inch 20 ounce Sirupati by Bura.

Awesome work and perfect balance, I have never seen straighter lines on any Khuk...:D

Now I know why he is the Royal Kami.:D
I think an 18in Siru or a Chiruwa AK will be my next purchase. Do you have a 20in Siru to compare the 18in to? I was wondering exactly how much the extra 2in and couple of ounces makes.
Do you have a 20in Siru to compare the 18in to?

No, but I have 18" and 20" GS's.:D

The balance feels about the same except the GS is just alittle more tip heavy than the 18" Siru.

I forgot to mention that this 18" Sirp is Flutted though, so it's not the normal Sirp. :D

Bura's custom design I guess.:D
Well I had alittle more time to really compare the feel for the Bura 18" Sirp and the Kumar 18.5" GS.

The GS is about 1/2" longer, has a thicker spine and longer handle.

The Sirp handle is alittle thicker, but not as long and has a nice neutral balance to it.

The GS is heavier than the Sirp, very noticeable.

As an Added note:

My Kesar 20" GS has a neutral balance and feels better in my hand than any of the other Khuk's I have. :D
What do you mean "flutted", is that another word for a fuller? I Sirupati with fullers must have a real nice balance to it.
Originally posted by Skeletor
What do you mean "flutted", is that another word for a fuller?

Yes it is.

They aren't as deep as the GS but they are there. Yes it has a real nice balance.
The 20" sirupati I had was thick-spined and a heavy swinger. 18" seems to be the right balance point for extended use (meaning over an hour). Anything over that starts taking its toll...