Bura New Models and Kerambit ?

Feb 13, 2000
Hi all. I was wondering if anyone had heard how the special projects are coming? I thought I had read in a thread that the New Models were close to being ready. I have myself on the list for all of the special projects, and have held off buying any other steel until those came in. Although I have been itching to get one of those new BM/Blackwood colaboration, the 630. I know that if I order one, the special projects will come in at the same time, and like the rest of you can only afford to get so much at a time. Anyway, just wondering if anyone had heard anything. Thanks for any information. :D
Since I am pre-paid, I was just wondering if the order for the New Model was still on or not...if I should just pick something else off the site to apply the money to.
It's still on - don't reassign the prepayment....you'll regret it for sure. ;)

Last reply I got was "They're working on it"
I can't wait to get my 14" New Model. That will be a great EDC type of blade I think! ;)
Any idea about the status of the Rod Allen hanshee model?
If its on, I want to ask Uncle Bill if I can take delivery in Kathmandu.
Last I heard about that one was "Don't ask".

Thanks Pen And congratulations on you becoming co- moderator,knew it would be you :D .
I know what you mean, ArchAngel.

I asked Uncle Bill is the 'bits were going to be in anytime soon as i had a camping trip i was going on in a few weeks. He said that they expect them sometime next month or so.... So i bought an AK bowie to tide me over:)

Cant hardly wait for the BDC, already have plans for it.

Will we be notified by e-mail when the come in, or will it be a post on the forum? Just wondering because I will be moving at months end and wont have access to bladeforums for awhile.
Waiting to hear on Uncle Bill's health. He was recovering, then got the 10 day flu, but should be past that by now. But needs to build his strength back up. Don't know what Yangdu will do about the orders with Bill sick. If you've pre-paid you'll get it one way or another.

Steely - Gunzz: hope you are enjoying the AK Bowie as much as I do. Mine came in at right close to 1/2" spine. As Crocodile Dundee said, "Now that's a knife!"

I could sleep very comfortably at night with it in reach. Would prefer a 16.5 Bura WWII, but wouldn't lose any sleep by substituting the AK Bowie.
I have record of everyone who has prepaid. Hopefully, Yangdu will let me know when they arrive. We'll dish out first to those who have prepaid, and then post the rest. This is the "preferred" method...but who knows what will actually happen...
You are beginning to catch on, Pen. Trust implicitly in the goodwill and readiness of Bill and Yangdu to do their best to keep their promises, but remember the kami's seem to pass on ( I think it's through the khuks ) a bit of Murphy's Law.

When that happens, you need to remember 4 phrases:
1) S.N.A.F.U.
2) T.A.R.F.U.
3) F.U.B.A.R.
And last but not least.
4) B.O.H.I.C.A.
;) ;) ;)
How about


that's the one I use...

:D :eek: :D

pendentive said:
I have record of everyone who has prepaid. Hopefully, Yangdu will let me know when they arrive. We'll dish out first to those who have prepaid, and then post the rest. This is the "preferred" method...but who knows what will actually happen...

As long as Uncle Bill says it's OK to put it on a CC, I'm ready to pay the day they come in (unless it coincides with one of the 2 or 3 times a month that I actually have cash on hand!) In any case, I am ready to pay immediately for my order, but had a feeling it might be longer than a few weeks so did not want to pre-pay back when the orders were first taken.

Looking forward to seeing the finished product!


i hope all three projects happen, they are all one of a kind and heirloom quality.
personally, i think they should all be added to the standard line.
theyd sell like freakin hotcakes.
what are the specs on the kerambit? I saw one older thread with lots of drawings, but what was settled on, I'd really like to know if the ring and blade are all one piece of steel.