Busse ad in Blade

Mar 17, 1999

In the August issue of Blade there is an ad for Busse on page 27. It depicts a bowl of Alphbet cereal and if you look closely you can ake out the words "LOSER" and "CRY BABY" above and below the spoon.

Did anyone else notice these insults which seem to be aimed at another cutlery company many hold dear on these forums?

There may be other hidden messages but I ran out of patience looking for them(I have about a 3 second attention span).

Long live Bladeforums!


You know of course there was an entire thread devoted to this very subject a week or so ago....
UH, yeah I knew that... Sure I did. I was just testin ya. Just wanted to make sure everyone else knew too...

Long live Bladeforums!


To Beginboca:

Thanks for the post. I missed the last thread. Time to flip back through Blade and have a laugh.

Take care,
