Busse FBM


CRK one piece knife collector
Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2002
Busse Fusion Battle Mistress, regular tan canvas micarta handles with urban grey finish blade, new and unused, no sheath, ($425.00) SOLD.

Knife price includes shipping to CONUS, no foreign sales. I accept USPS money orders and PayPal +3.5% only. No trades at this time, unless you have a BBSHSH!


If mine isnt in the mail box on Tuesday I'd dearly love to talk turkey with you. :D

I know, after the holidays the last thing anyone wants to hear is the word "turkey" :barf: ;) :p
uuuuhhhhhhhh.........Leatherman, get ready to talk turkey cuz the USPS is closed on Tuesday!! :mad:

smiley alert duly noted
great deal Porkducci:thumbup:
Aggie get rid of that smiley before Hammy see's it;)
Stabber, my mod-fu is useless here.

Tim, how thick is that blade, std 1/4"??
In honor of the "greatest" (or at least the media the last few days would lead you to believe) President of all time.....the late Gerald Ford.