Busse Fighter?

Mar 23, 2000
OK - we've got utlity/camp knives down cold. How's about a dedicated fighter? Something with the asymetrical grind and a false edge? Shouldn't be too difficult to modify the current line.
There is a fighter design planned for inclusion with the Basic line, but I suspect it won't materialize until sometime later this year or early next year.

It is quite similar to what you expressed above, but it also has a neat handle and defensive features built in. The drawings I saw were WAY cool.

I really can't say more...

Andy Prisco, Manager
Sharper Instinct, LLC
Phone: 1-201-493-2469
Orders-Toll Free: 1-877-557-5200
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Authorized Dealers:
Busse Combat Knives and Big East Traditional Bows

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Busse Combat Variant Temp. HQ http://home.earthlink.net/~gregrnamin/andy/sharper.htm

Sharper Instinct Website www.sharperinstinct.com

[This message has been edited by Andy Prisco (edited 05-10-2000).]