Busse Kensei or Short Sword

I know this belongs in the for sale or trade forum but I wanna make sure I reach that one busse Owner out there I need to make this dream come true. So please forgive me if I offend anyone by ignoring the rules.

I am looking for a Busse American Kensei or Japanese Style Short sword. 15 to 18 inch blade and a 9 to 12 inch handle. INFI is preferable but A2 is groovy too. I want to trade almost all of my knives for it. here is a list of my knives I will trade. All but the Basic 9 will have bead blasted blades and smoothed handles.

1. Battle Mistress E
2. Steel Heart II E
3. Natural Outlaw
4. Badger Attack (Straight Handle)
5. Mean Street (SS Slotted Screws old school)
6. Basic 9
7. Battle Mistress (Straight handle brass tubes)

I added the straight BM to sweeten the pot. Thanks for looking guys.

[This message has been edited by Ryu (edited 03-30-2001).]