busse knives

Oct 5, 1998
Hey everybody,
I saw the new Busse add in Blade magazine talking about a production line coming to fruition after about five years of work on the project. Does anyone have any info. on this production line. The Busse website has apparently not been updated lately . Can anyone answer??


I have been wondering about that for quite awhile myself. I thought for sure someone would have some sort of info. They are rolling out the new line at the SHOT show? I would love to hear all about. Can someone going to the show give us some info on it when the return? I would appreciate it very much. Mike you know anything? James? Spark? Someone? Anyone?
I would also love to hear more about the Battle Mistress and would love to see an independent test against a Mad Dog.


Tom Carey
I too am very curious about this new line. I remember when it was being referred to as a "sportsmans' line". Also, since they're talking about immediate availability as opposed to an 8 month leadtime for acquiring the established models, are they subcontracting or have they invested in new mass production equipment?

SHOT Show attendees please check their booth out!


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Forgive your enemies....but not before they're hanged!
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I did NOT escape from the institution! They gave me a day pass!

[This message has been edited by bald1 (edited 30 January 1999).]
As with the INFI steel project Jerry also confided in me last year with information on this new line. I can say this. I will be carrying this line and it will be AWESOME! I held the handles for the knives and actually Jerry listened very intently as I critiqued them. I will give you an update next week. I have not talked to Jerry about the new knives yet so I am not sure if I have his permission to release the info. I will also try to get him to come in here after Shot to talk about them.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

Which Busse knives are available in INFI and will the new line be available in INFI

Which Busse knives are available in INFI and will the new line be available in INFI

AFAIK, the Battle Mistress is available regularly in INFI and the Steel Heart II can be special ordered in INFI.

I have a new shomer-tec catalogue and it says they have the badger attack in INFI but i haven't heard anything about it form the knife community so that is why I am asking.
I have an older Shomer-Tec catalog and it seems that the specs given on the Busses may be misleading. I may be wrong on this, but I talked to Andy Prisco, the Busse Combat rep at the last New York Custom Knife Show. He said that only the Battle Mistress and the Steel Heart II would be available for now because the INFI stock currently produced was of the width needed to make those knives. The other knives may be available in INFI later on. Again, I may be wrong.

Jerry had the full line of prototypes. These knives will make a BIG SPLASH in the industry. They have come up with a treatment
on the rubber they are using that is will be impervious to chemicals and will withstand a high temp. IMHO they are the best handles I have seen/felt on a fixed blade knife. Jerry must think allot of them also since he will be putting a lifetime warranty on the entire knife. Unfortunately they are in pre-production and were not available for sale as seemed to be the case with all the new models. We are going to have to have a little patient.
will the new handles completely cover the tang as with the maddog's or will they be slabs like the micarta on their older knives. also will the old knives be available with the new handles.
The handle surrounds the tang. Keep in mind that these will be production knives, but I would wager that he would put the handle on one of his handmades if you asked for it, be prepared for a long wait on the handmades, It is hard to remember who said what at the Shot Show, but I think Jerry said they should be in full production in 6 months.

The new line of knives will be available in Modified INFI. Modified meaning no Cobalt and some other minor property changes however the secret which makes INFI unique will still be intact. After watching the tests I do not think anything will touch it or even come close. While the INFI made over 1600 cuts on 1" hemp rope the Modified INFI made over 1200. I am very excited about this line and I will be posting a full review very soon.

Also as a side note guess who talked Jerry into having a distributor?

And guess who that would be?

So look for very affordable models at your favorite dealers soon and if they know not what you say have them call me.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

...after all the fun I've been having with my Cobalt (Talonite) Simonich Wambli, why am I not surprised to learn that INFI has Cobalt as an ingredient???

BTW Trace Rinaldi has finished the Talonite Chimera...should be in my hands next week and expect to see pixs on his web site as part of an upgrade of his works.

Mike...6 months till we see the modified INFI knives at dealers, right?

I should get some sooner than that so any dealers better contact me very quickly. This will be very HOT!

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!
