Busse Team Gemini Light Brigade

Just wondering,is the original Team Gemini stronger than the light brigade in any way?

It had a thicker edge, so without knowing the actual math behind the geometry, one would think the TG would be somewhat stronger in SOME ways...

but i think the tradeoffs are in it's favor as it will also be a better slicer, and MUCH lighter.

and i'd bet everything in my wallet that you could pry a car door open with either one of them
Ramil, that seems to be a question that has been on a few people's minds. But really when you think about it there's still more metal right behind the edge than on most other 'hard use' knives. If you look at the front on pic it still almost looks like the TGLB is convex -- which gives you an idea of how 'deep dish' the hollow grind is....

Basically, even though I actually only own the original I'd stake my life on the LB version being nuclear tough. Scrap that, I'd even bet my life on a Game Warden if that's all I had in a pinch! You really have to thrash a Busse to really get an appreciation of how tough these things are. I was very reluctant to even use my first Busse which was a BJ, but since I got my TG I've chopped through fence posts, planks with nails in, dug the ground, thrown it (lots).... and on and on.... The gist is 'dont worry about it'
It had a thicker edge, so without knowing the actual math behind the geometry, one would think the TG would be somewhat stronger in SOME ways...

but i think the tradeoffs are in it's favor as it will also be a better slicer, and MUCH lighter.

and i'd bet everything in my wallet that you could pry a car door open with either one of them

Im thinking about buying this blade,reliability is my main priority at the moment,it doesnt need to be a very good cutter since i always have a small knife on me anyway,something in case of it being my only tool kinda thing
Im thinking about buying this blade,reliability is my main priority at the moment,it doesnt need to be a very good cutter since i always have a small knife on me anyway,something in case of it being my only tool kinda thing

I seriously don't think you need to worry about breaking a TGLB... it's still going to be tougher than most any knife out there in it's size.

But if a TG tickles your fancy, getcherself one!
I seriously don't think you need to worry about breaking a TGLB... it's still going to be tougher than most any knife out there in it's size.

But if a TG tickles your fancy, getcherself one!

It tickled it like crazy,especially after seeing it in Daryl's hand :),i wish it didnt tickle my wallet the wrong way otherwise i would love to have one...Where is that briefcase with a million lying around when you need it?
I used to be worried about the same thing. Looking at pics and reading posts from guys that have both the original TG and the LB, the strength difference between the two seems negligible. I imagine if you found a way to break the hollow ground edge on the TGLB (slamming it with a sledghammer for instance), the original would probably break as well and just as quick.

My advise is if you want the TGLB, get it, beat the crap out of it and know if by some freak chance you do manage to break it, you can send it back to Jerry and he'll replace it.
I used to be worried about the same thing. Looking at pics and reading posts from guys that have both the original TG and the LB, the strength difference between the two seems negligible. I imagine if you found a way to break the hollow ground edge on the TGLB (slamming it with a sledghammer for instance), the original would probably break as well and just as quick

I think youre pretty much right. I don't think you could break either by hand in any legitimate survival scenario.... batoning through breeze blocks, cars, or frozen would is very unlikely to do any damage that can't be steeled out of it :p

And even in academic scenarios abstracted from real-world applications with vices and things the differences in strength are likely to be negligable
A most excellent post - those pics are excellent. Really helps to make the decision about getting one of these knives!
I just purchased this knife with the Blue/Black G10 Micarta handle scales and Black finish. I can't wait for it to come. Should be one of the greatest knives I've bought yet.
Thanx for very nice pix!

For your own safety, keep your fingers off the blade while using this knife. That's why the knife has a handle for. Grasp the handle instead of a blade.

...stainless INFI...lol...If Jerry reads this he will enjoy the taste of the whisky for a second time in his nostrils because of the laugh.

Only took 8 posts to correct that one.