Busy trip

Jan 20, 2006
Been away for a few days with the boy. Took the Wave and the Vic Huntsman. Stayed with my dear mother in law. Lovely lady, I'm always happy to do odd jobs around the place for her but her tool collection comes from the $1 shop. In fact, most of her hardware supplies come from there too - depressing junk. The Leatherman got a good workout fixing some plumbing, new hinges on a door and some wiring. I treated her to a decent padock for the shed, the one she had bought - the key snapped and then the padlock did when I pulled on the shackle. I even used the Torx driver to fix her toaster. Then to the farm where the Wave came in handy for a few fence repairs and the Huntsman helped dress a few rabbits and a goat that got in the way of my son's rifle. Not sure that the Wave would stand up to a lot of fencing work. Cutting #8 wire needs a little more leverage. Still, glad I had the tools with me.