Buyers beware>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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I came across this pic today...


This vector pic opens a big issue...

The maker had/has no authorization whatsoever to reproduce this design.

Intellectual property is protected and there is a big issue over copyright
infringments that he is doing.
The design of the vector
is now under microtech's protection since I sold the rights to them.

This is the only prototype (read that one..) done of the Vector and I'm the only owner of it:


I have never authorized this maker to make any additional Vectors and there is only
one prototype, no more.

I will send a letter to the Guild maker's association and the florida
knifemaker's association so they can be aware of the situation.

So be aware and don't buy any Vector "prototype" since I have the only one ever done.

For your regular Vector needs, feel free to contact Microtech knives for different versions.

Best regards,

Joel Pirela


Apr 28, 1999
I get so mad when I see some company design a knife, then another company rips off the design. Some designs are universal, and a lot are very unique and it is obvious when someone rips one off, like the Vector. I love that blade style and wish I could afford a MT, but I need to make some $$$ by making my own knives first

Hmmm. I was toying with the idea of making a SubHilt Fixed blade with a Vector style blade.


Like this design. Who would I contact to get permission to make it if I decide I am brave enought to try to make it?? The blade style is like the Vector, but not totally. Thanks!
Was the maker of the knife in question also the maker of the prototype.

Member--Texas Knife Makers and Collectors Association
So this "Bootleg Vector" is made bay the same maker that made the prototype? I would like a link to this makers site. I own two MT Vectors and would like more info on this.

Drac Noroc

You only know if you have been there...
Instead of starting a smear campaign on the internet, why don't you contact the individual and see what the deal is.

I know you haven't yet and I think you are jumping to conclusions.

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
George Orwell
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I'm not jumping into anything.

It was supposed to be "one" (1) vector prototype.

Now there are two (2) and nobody ever asked me anything...

I don't need clarification to see what the deal is.

I for one would like some clarification on this issue. It would be a refreshing change.

Drac Noroc

You only know if you have been there...
First of all, let me say that copying someone else's work simply shows a lack of creativity of your own. Doing so is
to admit that you basically can't think. Why anyone would do that, I don't know.

Second, I have not seen either of these knives other than the pictures shown here, but I do have to say that the
"copy" looks good in the pictures. (At the risk of being offensive, and having never seen either knife in person, I
have to say that I like the looks of the "copy" better than the original. Sorry.)

How clever of you to use a hole in the blade to facilitate one-handed opening. Was that an original idea? I don't
think I've ever seen anything like it. Certainly, Spyderco wouldn't have any patents on anything like that. I like
the innovative use of a clip on the side of the knife to carry it. How do you think of these creative ideas? And
what is the locking mechanism on this design? Is that also something new and unique that you designed yourself?
I can see why you would be upset if someone copied your work.

Einstein once said, "If I am tall, it is because I am standing on the shoulders of giants."

Finally, I am not a lawyer, but as I look at the two, while there are substantial similarities, yes, I can also see
some substantial differences. The most obvious and significant being the change to a thumb stud from a blade
hole. That's a substantial change. The pierceing of the blade is different. The recurve is different. And, while it's
hard to tell from the picture given lighting, the cut of the upper part of the spine/swedge looks different. The
blade geometries of these two knives are very similar, yes. But they are, nonetheless, different. Different enough,
perhaps, to not be a copyright violation. The bodies are obviously similarly shaped, but also obviously differently
constructed. While the maker of this "copy" has obviously taken considerably "inspiration" from your design to the
point of being both unethical and despicable, I'm not sure you'd have a case legally. Sorry.

Copying is the sincerest form of compliment.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!
Talked to the maker.
He apologized for the mistake he made some time ago without knowing.

No actions will be taken. There is still only one (1) prototype to date.

Thanx for the help!

Joel Pirela
Is the "bootlegged" knife (which feaures substantially different, and superior grind lines IMO), actually being marketed by the maker as a "Vector Prototype"? If so there may be an infringement case, but really I doubt that it would succeed or even be worth the effort. I mean, look at Emerson's CQC-6 design. If he wanted to be a prick I'm sure that he could try and go after Lightfoot, Helton, Farid, S&W and countless other makers who have produced "CQC6-esque" designs. All art is derivative, execpt for the work of a few true visionaries, and as they say: "Imitation is the highest form of flattery"
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Taz:

Who would I contact to get permission to make it if I decide I am brave enought to try to make it??

Ahhhhh....Nurse Ratched?

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">I'm not jumping into anything.

It was supposed to be "one" (1) vector prototype.

Now there are two (2) and nobody ever asked me anything...</font>

Cool your jets big P. As the acknowledged designer of the Vector, you get to decide what is a prototype and what is just a "me-too-wanta-be."

Regardless of how many this other maker may produce and regardless of how many the folks at Happy Smokestack Manfuacturing in Taiwan are tooling up to produce as we speak (they'd have those stamping machines rolling right now but they're having trouble getting ahold of cheap enough steel), you will always own the only Vector prototype.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!
Let's move this over to the GB+U forum.

AKTI# A000150
NC Custom Knifemakers Guild member
NC Knife Knuts member
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