Byrd knives....Crow or Meadowlark?

Sep 28, 2004
So for the past couple years, I have been carrying a Victorinox Pioneer for my EDC and it worked great for me. Unfortunately, due to some holes in my pocket one day, I lost it. So begins the search of finding a replacement.

After much research, I have narrowed it down to either a Byrd Crow, or Meadowlark. Now I am just looking for opinions of users that have handled either one of these, or both. Basically, after narrowing it down from thousands of knives to two, I am going to leave the final decision to you fine people :p

Thanks in advance for any help that is sent my way
If you want something ambidextrous, then Meadowlark is good. I recommend the G-10 Meadowlark. Nice looking and Good quality handle.

If you want something more tactical, then the Crow might be great for you. Crow would be easier to clean if you involved in a lot of dirt and gunk.

Just my 2 cents.
I loved the meadowlark when I tried it out in the store. The G10 version fit my hand like it was made for me especially... Even with this Native I just bought as good as it is, I'm still very tempted to get a Meadowlark.
I just got a G10 meadowlark in the mail yesterday from New Graham Knives. I love it. It has a great size and heft for the size. Smooth opening and good lock up. Pretty sharp out of the box. I'm also a lefty so thats a plus. I haven't held a crow yet but if it came from Spyderco, it can't be bad.

Not to plug but I highly recommend NGK. From order to delivery 5 days and came with some great band aids which is a plus for me. I can't get a knife without cutting myself. Good luck on your purchase!!
all i ever here is good things about NGK . haven`t had the pleasure myself yet
I love the blade shape and grind on the Meadowlark , very easy to sharpen and takes a wicked edge , at least mine did.

Since they are both so 'cost effective' , why not buy both ? :D
I'd LOVE to buy both, but unfortunately, my "accountant" won't be up for it. Besides, if I was going to be spending that much, I would probably throw down another 10 or so and go with a BM Mini-Grip
I own both and my feelings for each are polar opposites -- I love my meadowlark and my crow is currently my least liked knife in my collection. The crow's cutting edge is noticably shorter, the handle is overly thick and while I don't hate liner locks I would rather have a different locking system. On the other hand, I love pretty much everything about the meadowlark.
Well I just cut the living hell out of myself on the Meadowlark so I can vouch for its ability to cut meat evenly and deep. ;)
I own both and my feelings for each are polar opposites -- I love my meadowlark and my crow is currently my least liked knife in my collection. The crow's cutting edge is noticably shorter, the handle is overly thick and while I don't hate liner locks I would rather have a different locking system. On the other hand, I love pretty much everything about the meadowlark.

Thank you very much for that! I think that post pretty much made the decision for me. Any more input is still going to be greatly appreciated.
what do you think about the byrd raven? its a little bigger than the meadowlark and the crow, but its a cool knife too. i think the handle on the raven is nicer than the handle on the crow.
Do mind that the Raven's handle (as is the Crow's, I assume) is made of metal, aluminium I think.

The G10 Meadowlark is, however, excellent. Nice fit and finish, a "poor man's Caly 3" if you like.

I do like both, but like the Meadow more. Hope this helps...
Yep, G10 Meadowlark is a great knife. But I'll get soon the Raven and the Crow, too... :)
I have both the Raven and the G-10 Meadowlark. I seem to like the Meadowlark better. Blades are about the same. The handle of the Medowlark is nicer. The Raven handle is a bit thick. I much prefer the G-10 material over the aluminum. The aluminum seems to scratch up too easily. Finally a lock back seems to be my second favorite lock system. It is second only to the BM Axis. Both blades have held their edges very well.