C. Buck knife signing: This a good choice?

I can't say how his signature will look on the black blades but I can tell you it looks good on my one and only 532, my blue handled 175, my Crosslock Lifesaver and the spine of my 503. I'm sure it will look great. He does use a Dremel to sign the knives. I met him at Smoky Mt. Knife Works and it will be worth the trip just to meet such a nice guy.
I agree with Russell, meeting Chuck would be worth the trip. He is a true gentleman. He does use a diamond tipped dremmel type tool and it will contrast very well against a black blade.
Take care,
Amen Sgt. Knives are great and Buck is at the top of the list for me but you are right, it would be wonderful if more of our leaders had a Higher Priority.