Californiabuckeye Folder


Apr 9, 2002
California buckeye folder 440c titanium liners and bolsters

Ross K.Mitsuyuki Knifemaker
:eek: Man, that wood is. . .is. . .is the stuff !

Beautiful knife !
That is a great looking knife, as are all the ones on your site. Thanks for sharing.

Nice work, Ross and it's always nice to see Hawaii guys around here, even if it seems like you don't post too often (4 posts in a year?). Will you have a table at the show next weekend?

Originally posted by ZENGHOST
Nice work, Ross and it's always nice to see Hawaii guys around here, even if it seems like you don't post too often (4 posts in a year?). Will you have a table at the show next weekend?

Thank You ZENGHOST! Yes I'll be at Gun Show near the other Knifemakers, hope to see you there! Everybody on the mainland you're welcome to come!!!!!
Originally posted by rkm
Thank You ZENGHOST! Yes I'll be at Gun Show near the other Knifemakers, hope to see you there! Everybody on the mainland you're welcome to come!!!!!
I never miss it--I'll be sure to stop by your table.
