Camillus CUDA

Jan 7, 1999
I just ordered a CUDA and was wondering if any of you had any experince with this knive.
The one I ordered has the Tanto combo edge.
I read the write up in Tactical Knives and just ordered it any help would be appericated.
P.S. I also ordered a BM905 with BT2 Coat/ComboEdge

Just a another Knifenut
I love this knife!!! I know some question the Cuda, but they probably haven't handled one. I personally carry the knife you's a great buy. I think you'll be pleased. The opening mechanism does take some getting used to, but once you have it's as fast as an auto!


I've only held it once in a gun show. But let me tell you, the opening device is one of the slickest and most innovative mechanism I have ever felt for a long time. For Collectors, this knife definitely belongs on the "must-own" list.

For fighters, a slick opening device doesn't necessarily mean it's a good fighting knife. I would wait and see what they do for a sequel.

So why is your alias "DeadinNC"? Or do I really wanna know?

[This message has been edited by SB (edited 08 January 1999).]
I guess I'm a pessimist, but I don't like this knife simply because of the "slick" action. Get a little dirt in that groove and the knife won't open. Besides, that thin disk will last how through much use--any bets? I do like the (Terzuola) design, and might buy one if they offered it in a manual action only AND lowered the price. Come on Camillus, gadgets don't make good knives.

Sorry, but we did the best we could!
I believe the button will survive indefinately, but if I'm wrong the Camillus warranty will ensure that it is replaced in the unlikely event of a failure.
As to the price, unfortunately laser cut 3/16 ATS-34 with G10 scales is expensive to produce.
I just rec. my CUDA from Discount knives. Ordered that and the Spyderco C16. Both great knives I just like the slimmer profile of the Spyderco a little better. The CUDA also had 2 different degree's of bevel on the edge. The logo side a perfect 25 deg. and the right hand side(non-logo) side a perfect
30 deg. bevel. Kind of disappointed to say the least, but I recontoured the edge bevels to 20 deg with a diamond Lansky system and now they are equal. It seems to be a very robust design and I do like the button feature it is great to play with. The down side is that the knife has more sharp areas on it than I think necessary. I would bead blast the liners and the serrations for the liners and the top of the spine. A knife shouldn't bite back the user. I would also like to see the button recontoured as it drags on my pocket when wearing jeans. Not so bad in khaki's. I would bevel all edges of the button too, and maybe reshape it somewhat so the center has a depression in it. Also instead of a round button put a slightly egg shaped button on it, and then back that up with a thumb stud. I would be happy to submit my knife for these mods. Ha Ha. I think it would draw much easier from jeans if the button was recontoured. The knife is of robust design however. And now that the blade has been recontoured it is pretty darn sharp too! I like the heft of the knife too. I have heard comments that it may be to heavy. Nonsense. It is only a couple of ounces(4-5) and the heft and the handle ergonomics are first rate. The knife seems also like it would make a great hunting knife for med. to small sized game. Maybe larger if one knows what he/she is doing. Well keep'em sharp. I like both the knives I ordered and will keep'em both. thanks

I didn't mean to sound disrespectful to Camillus for, what most people consider, a good, new knife design. Personally I prefer the use of my thumb/wrist to open knives the conventional way. I do like the style and materials used. Please let me know if you decide to make the CUDA in a manual action folder, I would buy one thusly (and should be cheaper to manufacture).

I also would love to get one in a manual action. I love the design but Im not crazy about the opening device.