Camillus Mini-Cuda Tanto, good price?

Dec 3, 2002
Is a CAMILLUS MINI CUDA TANTO COMBO EDGE FOLDER for $57.99 a good price? Apparently the regular price on that in this store is $99...

I can actually pick this up locally, so no shipping either... How about the knife, I have never used one, how does it rate compared to say the lower priced Benchmades, like the 550 series?

This same place has a Delta Z skeleton handle for $69.99 and the Delta Z Osprey bead blasted plain edge for $59.99, and the "DELTA Z OSPREY™ G-10 TEFLON BLACK, PLAIN EDGELINER LOCK KNIVES" also for $59.99. Are those good deals on the Delta Zs? Which is better? that mini-cuda or the Delta Z?

Thanks, any info is appreciated...:p
If the knife is new, and in good shape, then definitely so!!! The place in question I know, I get their catalog, I ordered a few myself!!! sounds like too good of a deal to pass up (we'll see!) ;). Also if you want one I would hurry up if I were you (if you really want one before they're gone!!). ;) ;) :)
I believe the knife is new, I will try to go to their store today and play with one and see how I like it. I was actually comparing that knife they had to their Delta Z Ospreys...I'll have to go check both out in person...I'll post another reply to this post and let you know how I liked the Cuda, and if it was in brand new condition, which it should be...

Which would you get? The Delta Z Osprey or the Camillus mini Cuda?
The cuda.
Between both the cuda and the osprey the cuda is a better deal. The finish on the osprey might be a little better, but the blade steel (ats-34, versus 440a) is much better on the cuda, and the cuda is made in the usa (which personally I prefer if it can be helped). The overall construction of the cuda will be much stronger. The price of it is really too good to pass up.

compare both and see which you like best, but for overall quality the cuda is the better (in my opinion) choice.;)