I have some nice Red Camphor Burl . It is soft,oily, and has to dry for years to get ready for stabilizing. When I had Mike at WSSI do some it came out gummy and not nice at all (like Thuya, it does not stabilize well). I sanded it down and used it anyway. It came out OK, but was not as nice as I would like. Camphor burl is a good wood for Jewelery boxes and lingerie chests,but the only knife I ever made from it that looked good was a small ladies knife with a red Camphor Burl handle and sheath.The wood was sanded to a 1000 grit finish and buffed with a soft cloth. I do love the smell of this stuff.
I can't speak for or against your seller's stabilizing, but I have always had the impression his wood is not "stabilized" in the same way as knifemakers are talking about. I think he may use something like PEG or Nelsonite.