Can anybody identify this type of knife?

Feb 3, 2003
Hey all,

I'm new here. I picked this up about a year and a half ago, but haven't been able to find any info on it, other than that the blade that was used as the basis for this customization was obviously made by Tramontina.

From what I've gathered, this was made "somewhere in South America" but I don't know where, by whom or how to get more of them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

A6... welcome to the Forums.
Your piece's blade is made by Tramontina, a reasonably fine working blade made in S.A.
They are available lots of places on the net, are reasonably cheap but totally functional. You can find several references to the brand by doing a search on several of the boards here. Maybe try the Knife Testing and Review board?
As to the sheath... Somebody had a lot of time on their hands and a very vivid imagination... I have never seen anything like it.
Good luck , and enjoy your stay at Bladeforums...:cool:
Thanks for the reply. I could swear that I saw a web site somebody had put up with pictures from a sword / knife convention (looked very small) where there was this girl at a booth and they were selling machetes similar to this one, in terms of the design.

I did contact Tramontina after I purchased the blade but they were stumped, although somebody there said they had "heard of" South American communities (nice of them to narrow it down) who did this type of work to sell to tourists. :)

I'll keep searching...


The handle is aftermarket. I've seen Collins, Corneta's, etc... done up with these handles. THe subjects range from Wizards and Eagles to Incan's and Demons/Skeletons.

Your best bet is to check Ebay, they come up kinda frequently. They seem to originate from where ever machetes are imported, and not just one specific area.

Thanks a bunch...what kind of search would you do on eBay, though? Is there a particular name for this type of mod?

For instance, would I search for "modified machete" or what?

Thanks again...

I just use the broad search + desription, keyword machete. You get 4-6 pages, but you get through them pretty fast:).
