Can anyone clue me in on Griffith's history?

Feb 4, 1999
I posted this message earlier today on Lynn's forum, but it was promptly removed, so I thought I'd try here, although this isn't the most appropriate forum for it. I was interested in getting to know a bit about Lynn as a knifemaker. My understaning is that he has 12+ years in knifemaking. Anyone have any history on this? I'm particularly interested in seeing pics of old knives, unusual stuff (like folders if any exist), or just getting a rundown of his career in this regard (did he work for another company, under another name, what style of knives has he been making, etc etc). One of my favorite things is to see old knives by established makers, like some of Madpoet's old stuff; I recently spotted an older Greco tanto from when he was in Louisiana, etc, but I've never seen or heard any mention of any of Lynn's knives that were older than a few years. Any help in this regard would be much appreciated and it would certainly add some flavor to my upcoming review of four of his knives. Thanks in advance
and feel free to post here or email me!

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They really deleted your post? Makes no sense at all to me
What is wrong with wanting to know a particular makers history? In the art world, knowing the history of an artist is an integral part in understanding his work.

Anyway, it seems odd that a valid question like that should be deleted, but I won't infer anything from that.

Chiro, I've seen a couple of your posts and some posts from other forum members about Lynn Griffith. Do the two of you have a running gun battle going, or what? If so, I think you should take it up with him personally. Disclaimer: I don't know Lynn Griffith and have never owned one of his knives. Bruce
I really don't think Chiro is trying to pick a fight. My impression was that he was trying to de-fuse a sticky situation by attempting to review knives and introduce us to makers (he does a good job at both--see his website).

True, Chiro's comments about sticker-price shock (which quickly passed into admiration for marketing skill) may have offended some people, but that's a personal thing . . . one man's spare change is another's life savings. I'm not convinced that his impressions about buyers will interfere with his ability to do a review.

Lynn's knives have had excellent reviews by other forumites in the past, and more reviews will always be desirable--different perspectives are a good thing.
Lynn deletes anything from his forum that doesn't fit into the format. WORSHIP
If the Girffonites will not allow questioning their god of knives here do you expect them to do it there?
TomW, you've passed right through the realm of insulting and landed in the middle of amusing.



We have worked together on the Mad Poet tribute and I know you to be a man of his word and a caring individual as well as a knife nut. I also know Lynn and he is a great guy. I strongly suggest that you email or call Lynn and ask him anything you need to know - I imagine that would work best.

I think that if I were in Lynn's shoes I might be a little sensitive at this time over the criticism of what is obviously not his best effort (blue serrated patrolman). I think that the fact that you and Lynn don't know each other may be leading to misinterpretation of posts - communication by post or email is very tricky unless you know the other party well enough to understand what is behind the email or post.

My suggestion given that you guys are both good individuals is that you communicate directly so that you come to understand each other and you gain the knowledge you want for your review Chiro!

Kevin Pensinger

Kevin Pensinger
The EDGE Equipment

Contact The EDGE for your custom cutlery needs!
Guys, I was hinestly rather surprised that my password was still working at Lynn;s site...maybe it isn't anymore! I have said way more positives about Lynn's stuff than negatives. Unfortunately, at times people fixate on one aspect or another. It is very difficult to disagree with someone on one point these days and still be considered to not have a personal vendetta against them. That's too bad.
I think probably what happened is that someone read into my post as being inflammatory, and that I am trying to uncover that Lynn has only been making knives for a few years. I would never dream of doing such a thing. I give Mr. Griffith the benefot of the doubt, and I can only trust that he has as much knifemaking experience as he syays he has. That's something most people wouldn't lie about, because it would come back to bite them in the butt and could potentially ruin a career. I have no doubt that Lynn has a lot of knifemaking experience. I just wish I knew more about it! In all honesty, I am looking for bAckground on him as a maker. Read back to most of my reviews and you'll see that they ALL have background information. I have even interviewed makers to learn more about's just one of my interests.
In all fairness to Mr. Griffith, one of his moderators may have zapped my post without his even knowing it. I assume this is what happened, and that giving Lynn the benefit of the doubt is the right thing to do.
Also, Lynn set up that forum and pays for it (?) himself, so he can remove whatever content he wants from it. I am disappointed because I asked a legitimate question and it got censored immediately. I'm not sure where the best place to find out about Lynn's knifemaking history would be if I can't get an answer from the people who know him the best! I just haven't seen any references to him at all that go back more than a couple years, so I needed to ask the direct question. Judging by the responses here you guys know as much as I do, so hopefully someone will be able to fill me in and add to my review a bit.
Thanks for your comments, so far, anyway.
My Knife & Sheath Pages:
Palmer College of Chiropractic
Sheath Makers Referral Directory
Madpoet (Mel Sorg, Jr.) Tribute page:

[This message has been edited by Chiro75 (edited 05-16-2000).]
This has started reminding me of a MAD Dog forum. Wonder if they learned from the same teacher or were born under the same astrological sign. I've got better things to do with my time and better values in knives to buy.



Guns are for show. Knifes are for Pros.
Chiro, don't feel bad, I posted some Hermanesque humor in Griffith's forum and was banned. TomW has hit it right on the head with his post.
