Can Tsimi come out and play?


Mar 8, 1999
This may be why we don't see him outside so often.


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Ahh hell Rusty don't you know a Booty call when you see one?!;) :p :D That's just Tsimi's girlfriend arriving for her 5am "appointment"
Listen up YOU TWO!! That has to be one of you all's former girlfriends!!I'm betting it's one of Rus's(when he was on meds)saw an early pic of Rus & a mule(Rus was the one in the hat)"THE MULE LOOKED BETTER"!I MUST BE LOSING IT!!Conversing with a tree hugger & a desert HERMIT!!Sigh!! Bill asked me to attend the Konvention,but "I" refuse to hob nob with sick,deranged,escapees from a looney bin!!All I need is to be TRAPPED with the likes of Yappy & Semper,telling me TALL TALES( LIES)! Shudder!! "I " have a rep. to uphold,just imagine if the FELLOWSHIP heard I was with ALL you SINNERS!
PS-Tsimi don't play!PA-TOOEY!!
I wuz wondrin how all dem one-leggid dancin girls got to be one-leggid! I guess there' s some unrest in the harem.
MUNK!! :grumpy: :grumpy:I can't believe you are one of THEM!! Can't be bothered by you "little" PEASANTS!!I'm trying to figure out how to get that don't understand! I neeeeeeeed that koth,I only have one! Ahhh, of course ,I'm doing this for you guys!:D Man,you have NO IDEA ,pick it up,fits perfect in the hand,bone feels cool,swinging or chopping with it,no problemo,it floats & disappears in your hand!!Ahhhh,the PERFECT K,! Hmmm, have to return to thinking how I can SWIND...I mean have someone donate $$$ for a worthey cause!!
jim(Saint) :cool:
Originally posted by jim_l_clifton
Bill asked me to attend the Konvention,but "I" refuse to hob nob with sick,deranged,escapees from a looney bin!!

You're just afraid they'd recognize you as a fellow escapee :D:p

WHEN I DIE!!! I AIN'T "GONNA" DIE!!Ahhhh,uhummm,when I go to my just rewards (many yrs. from now),I will be buried as a pauper,no K's,just a poor gentle researcher remembered fondly!Sniff! Brings tears to my eyes! AC YOU dingbat,I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING!!I will TRY to remember ,your tree huggin Pop told me to be kind to you ,his "SIMPLE" hardheaded son!I gotta ... think of some way to....
AC ole buddy:D boy have I got a deal for you ,Ahhh, don't think $$$ ,think of the BROAD PICTURE, think of the good you will do!!You can trust me.... here's where you send the $$$$$$$$!Gotta find a safe place!
jim(Saint) :cool:
AC Studios, rich and famous newspaper photographer, has just enough left over at payday for Alpo (fortunately, he and Buddy both prefer beef flavor). HE AIN'T GONNA SEND YOU NO MONEY!!! When he gets a tractor and a route, he will owe me eight gazillion in room and board for the dog. Take a deep breathe, and go back in the cave.
Tsimi's girlfriend? I don't think so, looks more like Tsimi's common law wife to me.:D
I don't know why she doesn't just walk off from Tsimi as he treats her like Sh, er Dirt.:confused: :(
You can believe her too as she's straight up honest, unlike Tsimi with the self appointed Sainthood.:barf: :rolleyes: :p
Oh Great!! The dynamic duo returns!! Ole Chief Pain-in the -Butt,&
THE TREE PERVERT!!Sigh, ain't gonna get into it with these two,one is senile, & the other is just plain MOUTHEY & MEAN!!
PS - Hey Knothead,see AC got you to pay for him to pass Driver's Ed!:D
I've seen gator tail on menus in restaurants, but in this context, "gator tail" is just plain disgusting. Guess it's wig fell off or it would have been a red head.:eek: :barf:

Now the "Recruit"!! Who's next!! Guys, It must really be bad where Sarge is! He saw the Pic Rus put up, mailed me an asked if "I" would fix him up with her, said he thought she was hot!barfTold him it was Rus's cuz, he thanked me & said he would contact Rus!! Said he would pay Rus $$$ to fix him up! Told him shouldn't be any problem,considering this was Rus's good looking cuz! Bwaaaaa!
ji(Saint)m: :cool:
Well if it was almost anyone else I would say they probably had a horrible case of male menopause, but Tsimi is just plain always on the ra, er, whatever it is that causes PMS.:rolleyes:
You can't even be nice to him because then he thinks you're ready to join that ill founded, unethical, and other words I'm not allowed to print here, fellowship of his!!!! :barf:

Tsimi's common law wife used to look like Vanessa before Tsimi mistreated her so!!!!:barf: :rolleyes: :grumpy:
Tsimi is the kind of guy that will always mess up a wt, er, nocturnal dream!!!!:rolleyes: :mad:
Dayumed self appointed so called Saint anyway!!!!:barf: