Can't open my Meyerco Rascal

Jan 18, 1999
I just got a Meyerco Rascal mail-order, and I'm quite disappointed. The combination of the strong opening spring and painfully sharp thumb grip ridges on the back of the blade make it impossible for me to open one-handed.

Is it normal for these to be tough to open initially? Should I expect the spring to soften soon, or is mine just defective? I could grind down the sharp ridges on the blade to reduce the pain associated with trying to open it, but that won't be enough with the current spring tension.

Given that it's a fairly cheap knife, I'd like to avoid paying postage to send it in for adjustment unless I'm convinced it's totally out-of-whack.

If anyone has experience operating on the Rascals and adjusting them, I'd like to hear about it.


Hhmmmm, interesting. I just ordered a strut'n'cut with my last purchase (a pretty good deal) and I'm expecting it to arrive this Friday - this isn't the type of thing I like to hear.

I'm wasn't exactly sure which version of the Meyerco knife I'm going to get, I just thought that it looked like a neat design. I'll let you know how mine acts when i get it.
Speaking of the Myerco Rascal, what do people who own this knife really think of it?

I have the Strut and Cut and to me it's nothing more than a poor gimmick knife. I mean whoever heard of having a spring loaded blade that has to be manually locked? The blade steel is A8 but it's edge is duller than any other knife I own and I have a hard time putting an edge on it. God forbide that you forget to lock it before using it.

The Rascal doesn't look any better. Does the addition of the automatic lock make this knife worth having? Is the handle smaller than the huge one on the Strut and Cut?

Myerco spends a huge amount of money advertising this knife. It's in all the knife rags and Knife World. Am I missing something here or is it just because it's a Blackie Collins design?

What's the verdict on this knife?


It's sad to hear such negative reports on something I'm expecting in the mail soon, at least I didn't spend much money on it, eh, maybe
. Interesting that your edge is dull Greg, I read that it had a 60 rockwell (maybe that's why it's hard to sharpen?). Oh well, a gimmick and a low price has claimed one more sucker (that's me, didn't mean to imply anyone else!!
I tried hanging a metal 1-gallon bucket by a string from the thumb ridges on the back of the knife to see how much force it takes to open the blade. I was able to fill the bucket with a roll of string, a multi-tip screwdriver, a big Swiss army knife, a small tube of glue, and 2 Kit-Kat bars (I just used whatever was on my desk
) without the blade opening. According to the bathroom scales, that's about 2 lbs of force, but of course bathroom scales aren't very accurate for something this small.

The point is, unless Blackie Collins has really amazing thumbs, there's no way the Rascal I have is the fastest opening knife he's ever used. And did I mention that the thumb ridges are painfully sharp?

Other than this, the knife is "OK". It has a very light plastic-like feel to it. In fact, the blade coloration really makes it look like plastic. It's not a bad size, though the spring mechanism apparently requires the handle to be fairly wide around the blade pivot, giving the handle a bulbous profile. Mine is acceptably sharp.

I also recently bought a Spyderco Clipit Cricket, and overall I'm a *lot* happier with that knife. It's only a couple bucks more money, so I really can't recommend the Rascal. The gimmick opening mechanism and Blackie Collins association was what sold me, so clearly I'm disappointed when half my reason for buying it doesn't work.

I'll probably return it.


I don't have either the Strut N' Cut nor the Rascal, but I will say it's best to be careful with the Strut N' Cut, at least. I was at a knife shop and (due to negligence on my part) I was trying to open it one-handed, and before I could get it all the way open, the blade snapped back down, the serrated portion biting into the meaty portion of my right ring finger. Luckily for me, this was more embarrassing than anything, for my blood began running freely (I tried unsuccessfully to hide it from the girl working there, until it became to bloody to hide
. I was surprised at the strength of the spring, and decided then and there that I'd never buy one. However, I don't want to let my negligence preclude anyone from buying one; it did not seem like a POS. Just watch that spring. Jim P.S. Love them bandaids!
Just got mine in today, and so far (for the few minutes that I've had it
) it seems ok. I think with a little practice, the opening will be pretty smooth, although with too much practice, my thumb/index finger will get a little sore.

It is the older Strut'n'Cut version, but the blade says "2nd generation." The handle is a little bulbous, and the manual lock is a pain in the neck, but for light quick cutting jobs it seems like a neat little tool. (Haven't cut enough with it yet, so can't report on the blade).

ps, definately not faster than any other one-handers i have.
I guess what you posted above was my point: The manual lock is a pain....the problem I see with the Strut and Cut (the one with the mauel locking mech) is that there are better and safer knives for doing day to day chores.

Maybe its me, but I take it for granted that a folder will be secured in the open position or better yet lock up like a Buck or Spydie. This knife requires you to remember to manually lock it. I know that is a simple concept, but the few times I used it I keep forgetting that point and to me it's not as safe as a knife should be.

Maybe the Rascal with its auto lock would obviate any concerns I have with the Strut and Cut but for now it proves the power of advertising.



Got one of the Strut'n'Cuts from Smokey Mt. for ten bucks, which was just about right for a "gimmick" knife to show folks how it works. Other then that, I wouldn't pay any more than that for a knife I wouldn't feel safe carrying.
Kind of a neat idea, just not really practical.
I have had a Rascal for a while, and while I do not carry it on a daily basis, because I don't like the clip, I have not had any problems with it. I thought that it came from the factory sharp, though I did resharpen it right off because I like my knives sharpened at a different angle than they come from the factory. I also oiled the spring, mainly because I like to keep all of my knives well lubricated. And while the ridges are a little sharp the first time you use the knife I found that my finger quickly got used to it. And unless I am mistaken the knife was meant to be opened with your index finger and not your thumb. While this is not the best knife I have ever seen used or owned, it is not the worse either. I think that it is fast opening for most people who do not know some of the tricks of opening other knives fast. Oh well, maybe I am the only one who was not really disappointed with this knife. But then the one of the first knives that was not a swiss army that I bought was a Gerber that Blackie Collins had designed. And unfortunatly that knife was lost long ago, so in a way this Meyerco knife reminds me of the Gerber and so in am purely emotional way I like this one too.
after having the strut'n'cut for a couple days, I have mixed feelings. First, the edge has to be re-profiled, I don't like the angle that it was sharpened at. I've gotten used to the openiing/closing mechanism, and it's kind of neat. I can't open it with my index finger, but I can with my thumb. The flap lock (which is absent on the rascal I believe) has worked it's way loose so sometimes when I pull it out of my pocket, my palm locks the blade. When it is locked, that means that the blade doesn't open all the way, them snaps shut - almost took off my fingers once. I don't have my allen wrenches with me, so I'll have to wait to fix it.

I don't know what material the handle is, but it feels like flimsy plastic to me, I don't like it. Otherwise, it's kind of a comfortable handle to work with. The lock-up is very secure, once locked. The clip isn't good because it's plastic, and it snags because of the way that it's shaped. Also, I just miss the metalic click that comes from walker locks and lockbacks.

Falcon is right, it's not he best knife by far, but it's not he worst either.
Wel, I can't believe you guys can't open this knife fast. I have three, strut-n-cut knives and they are by far the fastest opening knives, short of an auto. Of course the extra action of the lock sucks, but for opening a box I never lock it. I can open it with my index finger incredibly fast and the ridges don't hurt my finger. I hold the knife with the index finger resting on the top of the knife, three fingers pressing one side and the thumb pressing on the other side and I pull back, walla! it opens, no problem. Mine also came with a sharp edge and, and I have had no trouble sharpening the steel on them. When you close the knife, don't get a finger in it's way. Those serrations did a good job on mine.
After practice, I can now open it quickly with my index finger. It's getting to be a neat little tool.
It's pretty clear my Rascal is defective in some way, because there's no way my opening difficulties are just a matter of technique. One thing I notice from looking at the spring inside the handle is that it doesn't compress evenly at all - the middle looks like someone stretched and bent it. Sort of like my first Slinky after decided to see how long I could stretch it.

Based on the somewhat positive reviews, I'm starting to learn towards getting it fixed instead of just returning it. It would be pretty neat if it worked.

