Carry any knives daily????

Originally posted by Temper
You have to be kidding right?

Anyway, I usually carry either a small, decorated Sebenza or a large, plain Sebenza. The small was sent in to CRK, so it's just the large right now.

:D I am just getting into knives now. I now carry a small cheap folder i found in a drawer. I have held quality knives before so i know what i am missing. Hopefully tommorow my cheap balisong will be coming. If i like it i will be ordering a bm31s for daily carry.
really the only ONE knife I carry EVERY SINGLE DAY is my Buck Cadet (small stockman), it lives in the bottom of my right pocket, functioning as a school knife when I'm at a school, and a backup to the other knives I carry the rest of the time.
The knife i carry every day is a liner locking Benchmade AFCK. I believe it's the best knife there is for daily chores. If your looking for a smooth tactical folder this knife fits the bill. I carry the afck daily just because i like the blade shape and find it perfect for anything i would ever need it for, from self-defense to cleaning my finger nails.
EDC, Leatherman wave on a horizontal carry (stole it from my TOPS Magnum :D ) and a Squirt just to impress the chicks at work. "Ohhh its so cute! Can I have it?"


:D :D :D :D


But re-word it, I have too many EDC's to count. Usually a BM folder of some sort.
Usually a BM710, but I am expecting a Microtech Amphibian soon, so things might change.:D
I must carry my PE Delica and WAVE. :D I usually carry an extra in a nylon sheath next to my wave. Sometimes my Grip. or 710HS. Read sign. for more info in knives i use for EDC. :D
Knife #1: Benchmade AFCK. Usually just a glorified kitchen knife and package opener. :D But it sure does go through that chicken bone real good. Vanquisher of bones. The edge survived the prying and chopping of bones, but someone chipped it while using it with a fork. 40 degrees included, BTW. This would serve as my primary self defense knife. Argh, I always feel so mall ninja-esque when I say that.

Knife #2: Strider MFS. This mofo sleeps in its sheath on my left side, ready for a left-hand forward grip/right-hand reverse grip draw. It just gives me peace of mind to know that if I ever need to pry open a door, I've got a big hunk o' metal to do it with.

These two knives always go with me, unless I'm afraid that I'll have to go through metal detectors. Then I bring a cheapie like a CRKT M16 or a Cuda EDC (well, relatively cheap) so that I could stash it in a bush somewhere. I won't count the knives on my EDC multitools: SOG Powerlock, SOG Crossgrip, Leatherman Micra.
Lately, I've been carrying three knives every day. The first is a SAK, usually a Victorinox Huntsman. The SAK gets me the much needed saw blade and scissors. The second is a medium-sized multitool, currently a Leatherman PST. The multitool gets me the pliers and a good assortment of screwdrivers. The third is a basic knife, usually either a Spyderco Military or Dozier General Utility.

While I don’t need nearly this much equipment during the winter months, I’m trying to figure out if this setup is viable for warmer seasons. I can normally get away with the knife and multitool at work, and the knife and SAK while outdoors. The problem is that I’m never sure when I’m going to decide to go fishing or hiking. I tend to do these things on a whim, and would like to be prepared at all times. The SAK and multitool are really a bit heavy and bulky when worn together, so I may have to come up with a compromise. Either that or start carrying some sort of equipment pack around with me.
Dozier straight personal fixed blade on belt, crossdraw.
BM31 balisong clipped in right front pocket of jeans.
Originally posted by Buzzbait
Lately, I've been carrying three knives every day. The first is a SAK, usually a Victorinox Huntsman. The SAK gets me the much needed saw blade and scissors. The second is a medium-sized multitool, currently a Leatherman PST. The multitool gets me the pliers and a good assortment of screwdrivers. The third is a basic knife, usually either a Spyderco Military or Dozier General Utility.

While I don’t need nearly this much equipment during the winter months, I’m trying to figure out if this setup is viable for warmer seasons. I can normally get away with the knife and multitool at work, and the knife and SAK while outdoors. The problem is that I’m never sure when I’m going to decide to go fishing or hiking. I tend to do these things on a whim, and would like to be prepared at all times. The SAK and multitool are really a bit heavy and bulky when worn together, so I may have to come up with a compromise. Either that or start carrying some sort of equipment pack around with me.

Have you ever considered the SAK One-handed Trailmaster ?? I was just keen to hear your views on it. If not this model, which would you go for ?
I carry a two blade Victorinox Pioneer. Large and small blade will handle my daily cutting needs and it carries very flat and light.

1) Benchmade 943 - main knife
2) Kershaw/Ken Onion Chive - for small jobs
3) Benchmade 31 sheathed - latch and clip removed - for fun
I've had a plain edge Spyderco Rescue clipped to my left front pocket, a SAK Tinker in a sheath on my right hip and a Leatherman Micra on my keychain.

Originally posted by tardis
Have you ever considered the SAK One-handed Trailmaster ??

No I haven't. The fact that the blade is serrated makes the Trailmaster pretty useless to me. But if you like serrated blades, some people think that the Trailmaster is a pretty good deal. Personally, I like the Camper and Huntsman for standard SAKS, but they are all good. Just decide which tools you really need, and there should be a model that's very close to what you want. If you can't find a model with the tools you want, give a yell. There are many SAKs with unusual tool configurations, which can be ordered from various sources.