Carry dillema for an LEO

O.K. here goes it. I have narrowed it down to 4 folders to carry for everyday Utility/Last Ditch Defense etc..

CS 5" Gunsite
CS 3" Voyager Tanto
Spydie Delica
Spydie Merlin
I love em' all. What do you guys/gals think?

Am curious, did you consider the Rekat Carnivore? If so, why did you reject it? Has a 3 7/8" blade, and an excellent lock. I find it very comfortable.



[ 03-26-2001: Message edited by: Alan Antopol ]
Jul 2, 2000
I had a Carnivour, but the lock kept stickng. I sold it and never replaced it. I like the Delica as well, but am thinking that the CS 3" Voyager is stronger. I have nothing to back that up, just an uneducated guess. I also have a MT LCC on the way, but I don't think I want to subject that knife to the rigors of my duty needs. I would ruin it.
I would go with the gunsite I have all the knives you listed, and If I was carrying one for strictly defensive purposes it would be the gunsite, I think there are many better choices out there, for instance I like the native, it has a better finger groove so there is less chance of your hand slipping up on the blade, and would be easier to carry then the gunsite. It also has a finer tip for penetration. Just my thoughts.
'Fulding yer knife is not a gud idea, yah?' (Sweedish accent attempt).

Or, as Mad Dog says, 'Thou shall not make thyself untactical by folding thy knife.'
Last ditch? Consider one of these:

<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>

From the top, the Shrike, mini Shrike, Voodoo Child, Wild Thing.

OK, if you absolutely, positively have to have a folder, MD chose one of these to send his son to college (the land of prohibited fixed blades) with:

<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>

A plain Jane 'Benza would do it as well as anything else.

Hope this helps, Walt

[ 03-26-2001: Message edited by: Walt Welch ]
First, thanks for your service to our country.
Second, doesn't Walt have cool knives?
Third, the Gunsite is the best defensive knife out of those you list, by far. Carry it ready accessible.
Fourth, the Delica is the best utility piece listed, it weighs like 3 oz, carry it in a pocket for utility use, so you don't ruin that awesome edge on your Gunsite.

take care,

Hey US...

I'll have to agree with Walt....

If it's a last ditch blade you want,,why fool with a folder...

Get a fixed blade and tuck it somewhere...

A folder for last ditch self defense is like having a hideout pistol in your wasteband with the mag in your pocket....

Go small fixed blade you won't be sorry..

