Carrying Customs/Semi-Customs & Old Case XX 11031SH

Sorry to hear about losing your Mom and Dad.....

What a terrific gift. Definetely carry and use your new knife. As you mentioned everytime you pull it out, you will think of your Mom.
For you, it will always have a special place because it came from your Mom.
For whoever gets it after you are gone, especially if it's one of your kids, it will have two special memories. One because it was yours and the other because it came from their Grandma..
Jim, the memories come from the passage through life. When an object is carried through a life, it will retain something. Memories, karma, whatever you want to call it, will be there when some day far in the future when it is handed down to the next in line.

A beautifull object that is not carried, but put away in some sock drawer or safe, is never going to be anything but a cold object for those we leave behind. It will still be a beautifull object, but it will just be another thing. Since it was never carried and used by you, it will really have no conection to you. No warm memories, no karma, no whatever.

When my dad passed away, we had the task of dismantling his life. His things fell into two groups of objects; Those he carried and used daily, and the "other stuff". Things that people gave him for birthday gifts, Christmas, office aniversarys, whatever. They had been put away in his drawers, never used, and to us, his family, had no value at all because we figured it had no value to him. In some cases he never took them out of the original wrapper.

But the stuff he used, that was a different matter. No matter how worn, smoothed by time, mishappen by lots of use, the objects we remembered seeing him carry and use were priceless. It brought back the memories of him sitting there using the pen blade to ream his pipe, or his old Cross pen with most of the chrome worn off, badly dented and beat up, brought back so many memories because it was always in his shirt pocket, and when he wrote somethng down, he'd use his Cross pen. His old WW2 era Zippo lighter that he'd use to get a little campfire going. Things like that. The value of the object is in the meories that are worn into it. The dents, scratches, and worn finish has meaning.

I hope you carry that Case/Bose, and use the heck out of it. Build lots of memories, karma, or whatever into it. Then it will have value.